1. General info
- automatic for selected course types in the University of Helsinki
- six fixed University level questions (by Academic Affairs Council)
- additional questions collectively for degree program's courses can be added by the director of the degree program and/or feedback correspondent
- additional questions for certain course can be added by the teacher
- form can be edited by the responsible teacher of the course (defined in SISU) and filled in by the enrolled student of the course (defined in SISU)
Feedback visibility:
Certain course:
- responsible teacher (defined in SISU): is able to view all feedback: statistics on numerical answers as well as textual answers
- administrative person (defined in SISU): is able to view all feedback: statistics on numerical answers as well as textual answers
- student, teacher: is able to view statistics on numerical answers
Degree program:
- Director of the degree programme is able to view all the feedback (individual numerical and textual answers) of degree programme's courses
- Feedback liaison (defined by Degree programme's Steering Group) is able to view all the feedback (individual numerical and textual answers) of degree programme's courses.
- other degree programme individuals are able to vie numerical statistics
Viewing roles::
- responsible teacher, teacher and administrative person rights are defined in OPTIME/SISU and inherited by Norppa
- feedback liaison (one per degree program) is defined in Norppa
- degree programme's (f.ex. steering group) and other (f.ex. training officer) rights are handled automatically by IAM-groups
Course feedback form default time schedule:
By default course feedback form is automatically created with six fixed University level questions for selected course types. Teacher is not obligated to do anything but if she/he wishes, additional questions can be added easily.
Pre-defined dates:
- DURING COURSE: course feedback form is closed, teacher is able to add own questions (and/or set custom dates how the form is open*)
- COURSE END DATE (defined in SISU): course feedback form opens automatically for students and only end date can be edited by the teacher
- COURSE END DATE + TWO WEEKS: course feedback form is closed
These dates are pre-defined by the course feedback system. However, teacher can manually open and close the course feedback form on desired dates or set automatic dates for opening/closing. Minimum time frame between opening and closing is “opening day + 1”.
Notifications via e-mail:
- ONE WEEK BEFORE FEEDBACK OPENING DATE** → reminder for the teacher: feedback form is editable for one week
- FEEDBACK OPENING DATE** → reminder with link for the students: feedback form is open
- COURSE END DATE + TWO WEEKS → reminder for the teacher: please give counter feedback (vastapalaute) collectively for the students
**By default (if teacher doesnt do anything) feedback opening date is the same as course's end date.
Additionally Norppa feedback form link is available @ https://studies.helsinki.fi/courses for every course (visible for student/teacher of the course).
By default all feedback is anonymous. Default user language is the one user has defined as service language in SISU.
Norppa Course feedback is developed in the University of Helsinki at The Department of Computer Science TOSKA-group (Tietojenkäsittelytieteen osaston sovelluskehitysakatemia).
All feedback is encouraged & welcome!