Wiki source code of Biomathematics Days

Last modified by kisdi@helsinki_fi on 2025/02/04 07:10

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1 (% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %)The Biomathematics Days are informal full-day seminars involving several research groups working on mathematical ecology and evolution. All interested are warmly welcome! Participation is free but prior registration is necessary.
3 * **Biomathematics Day 23: **10 May 2023. Invited speaker: Tadeas Priklopil (ETH Zurich). Program: [[pdf>>attach:BD_10May2023.pdf]], venue: on zoom.
4 * **Biomathematics Day 22:** 8 May 2019. Invited speaker: Sangita Kulathinal, our new professor in statistics. Program and venue: (% class="confluence-link confluence-link confluence-link confluence-link confluence-link confluence-link confluence-link" %)[[pdf>>attach:BD_8May2019.pdf]](% class="confluence-link confluence-link confluence-link confluence-link" %). More information and free registration by email to eva.kisdi[funny character]
5 * **Biomathematics Day 21:** 22 October 2018. Invited speaker: Mirjam Kretzschmar (University Medical Centre Utrecht). (% class="confluence-link confluence-link confluence-link confluence-link" %)Program and venue: [[pdf>>attach:BD_22October2018.pdf]]. More information and free registration by email to eva.kisdi[funny character]
6 * **Biomathematics Day 20:** 22 May 2018. Invited speaker: Hal Caswell (University of Amsterdam). Program and venue: (% class="confluence-link confluence-link confluence-link confluence-link confluence-link confluence-link confluence-link" %)[[pdf>>attach:BD_22May2018.pdf]](% class="confluence-link confluence-link confluence-link confluence-link" %). More information and free registration by email to eva.kisdi[funny character]
7 * **Biomathematics Day 19:** 23 October 2017. Invited speaker: Samuel Alizon (CNRS Montpellier). Program and venue: [[pdf>>attach:BD_23Oct2017.pdf]]. More information and free registration by email to eva.kisdi[funny character]
8 * **Biomathematics Day 18:** 17 May 2017. Invited speaker: Matthijs van Veelen (University of Amsterdam). Program and venue: [[pdf>>attach:BD_17May2017.pdf]]. More information and free registration by email to eva.kisdi[funny character]**
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10 * **Biomathematics Day 17:** 24 October 2016. Invited speaker: Pieter Trapman (Stockholm University). Program and venue: (% class="confluence-link" %)[[pdf>>attach:BD_24Oct2016.pdf]](%%). More information and free registration by email to eva.kisdi[funny character]**
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12 * **Biomathematics Day 16:** 11 May 2016. Invited speaker: Åke Brännström (Umeå University). Program and venue: [[pdf>>attach:BD_11May2016.pdf]]. More information and free registration by email to eva.kisdi[funny character]**
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14 * **Biomathematics Day 15:** 21 October 2015. Invited speaker: Ludek Berec (Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences). Program and venue: [[pdf>>attach:BD_21Oct2015.pdf]]. More information and free registration by email to eva.kisdi[funny character]
15 * **Biomathematics Day 14: **6 May 2015. Invited speaker: Elja Arjas. Program and venue: [[pdf>>attach:BD_6May2015.pdf]]. More information and free registration by email to eva.kisdi[funny character]
16 * **Biomathematics Day 13: **22 October 2014. Invited speaker: Odo Diekmann (Utrecht University). Program and venue: [[pdf>>attach:BD13_22Oct2014.pdf]]. More information and free registration by email to eva.kisdi[funny character]
17 * **Biomathematics Day 12: **14 May 2014. Invited speaker: Olof Leimar (Stockholm University). Program and venue: [[pdf>>attach:BD12_14May2014.pdf]]. More information and free registration by email to eva.kisdi[funny character]
18 * **Biomathematics Day 11: **23 October 2013. Invited speaker: Veijo Kaitala. Program and venue: [[pdf>>attach:BD11_23Oct2013.pdf]]. More information and free registration by email to eva.kisdi[funny character]
19 * **Biomathematics Day 10: **15 May 2013. Invited speaker: Ophelie Ronce (Institute of Sciences of Evolution of Montpellier). Program and venue: [[pdf>>attach:BD10_15May2013.pdf]]. More information and free registration by email to eva.kisdi[funny character]
20 * **Biomathematics Day 9: **14 November 2012. Lead speaker: Otso Ovaskainen (University of Helsinki). Program and venue: [[pdf>>attach:BD09_14Nov2012.pdf]]. More information and free registration by email to eva.kisdi[funny character]
21 * **Biomathematics Day 8: **18 April 2012. Invited speaker: Kristan Schneider (University of Vienna). Program and venue: [[pdf>>attach:BD08_18Apr2012.pdf]]. More information and free registration by email to eva.kisdi[funny character]
22 * **Biomathematics Day 7: **30 November 2011. Invited speaker: Chris Klausmeier (Michigan State University). Program and venue: [[pdf>>attach:BD07_30Nov2011.pdf]]. More information and free registration by email to eva.kisdi[funny character]
23 * **Biomathematics Day 6: **11 May 2011. Invited speaker: Sander van Doorn (University of Bern). Program and venue: [[pdf>>attach:BD06_11May2011.pdf]]. More information: Stefan Geritz, Jaakko Toivonen; free registration by email to jaakko.toivonen[funny character]
24 * **Biomathematics Day 5: **24 November 2010. Invited speaker: Yoh Iwasa (Kyushu University). Program and venue: [[pdf>>attach:BD05_24Nov2010.pdf]]. Free registration by email to tadeas.priklopil[funny character] until 10 November.
25 * **Biomathematics Day 4: **9 June 2010. Invited speaker: Bob Holt (University of Florida). Program and venue: [[pdf>>attach:BD04_9June2010.pdf]]. More information: eva.kisdi[funny character]
26 * **Biomathematics Day 3: **28 October 2009. Program and venue: [[pdf>>attach:BD03_28Oct2009.pdf]]. Please register via email to Tadeas Priklopil (tadeas.priklopil[funny character] More information from Tadeas Priklopil or from Petr Ondracek (petr.ondracek[funny character]
27 * **Biomathematics Day 2: **29 June 2009. Invited speakers: Patsy Haccou (The Netherlands) David Sumpter (Sweden). Program and venue: [[pdf>>attach:BD02_29June2009.pdf]]. More information and registration: Barbara Boldin (barbara.boldin [funny character]
28 * **Biomathematics Day: **25 March 2009. Program and venue: [[pdf>>attach:BD01_25March2009.pdf]]. Registration by email to eva.kisdi [funny character]