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Keynote speakers
Stef van Buuren
Professor of Statistical Analysis of Incomplete Data
at the University of Utrecht
Principal Scientist at the Netherlands Organisation
for Applied Scientific Research TNO in Leiden.
His interests include the analysis of incomplete data,
child growth and development, computational statistics.
Van Buuren is the inventor of the MICE algorithm for
multiple imputation of missing data.
Alina Matei
Professor of Statistics at the University of Neuchâtel,
Her research interests cover various aspects of
survey statistics, including sampling methods,
non-response treatment, variance estimation,
as well as computational statistics.
She is the author of R package sampling.
Jacek Wesolowski
Statistics Poland and Professor at the Department of
Probability and Stochastic Processes, Warsaw University
of Technology.
His research interests lay in the field of characterization of
probability measures, random matrices, functional equations
in probability theory problems, stochastic processes, limit
Guillaume Chauvet
Assistant research professor at the University of Rennes,
National School of Statistics and Information Analysis (ENSAI),
member of the IRMAR research team, France.
He is interested in many aspects of survey statistics, including sampling methods,
treatment of non-response, variance estimation, treatment of longitudinal survey data,
and analysis of survey data; in the application of survey methods in related fields,
including epidemiology and forest inventories.
Invited speakers
Carl-Erik Särndal
A Swedish-Canadian statistician, specializing in survey
theory and methodology, especially in applications to
official statistics production. His widely known publications:
C.E. Särndal, B. Swensson, J. Wretman (1992),
Model Assisted Survey Sampling, Springer.
C.E. Särndal, S. Lundström (2005), Estimation in Surveys
with Nonresponse. Wiley.
J.C. Deville, C.E. Särndal (1992), Calibration estimators
in survey sampling. JASA, 87, 376–382.
Last update 17 February 2025