Doctoral theses
Seppo Sarna. Zygosity diagnosis in epidemiological twin studies by blood markers and by questionnaire. Kansanterveystieteen julkaisuja M23. Helsingin yliopisto 1977.
Jaakko Kaprio. The incidence of coronary heart disease in twin pairs discordant for cigarette smoking. A six-year follow-up of adult like-sexed male twin pairs. Kansanterveystieteen julkaisuja M84:1984. Helsingin yliopisto 1984.
Jaakko Teikari. Genetic and Epidemiologic Studies of Open Angle (Simple and Capsular) and Angle Closure Glaucoma. Helsingin yliopisto 1988.
Kalle Romanov. Äidin alkoholinkäytön haitat sikiölle ja vastasyntyneelle. Kansanterveystieteen laitos, Helsingin yliopisto 1988.
Riitta Lassila. The Thrombogenic and Vasoactive Effects of Cigarette Smoking with Special Reference to Periferal Arterial Disease. Wihuri Research Institute, First Department of Internal Medicine and Fourth Department of Surgery. Helsingin yliopisto 1989.
Erkki Vesterinen. Natural killer cells, asthma and cancer risk - an experimental and epidemiological study. Helsingin yliopisto 1993.
Christer Hublin. Narcolepsy- Epidemiology, clinical picture and treatment. Miina Sillanpään säätiön julkaisuja A:2, 1994.
Pentti Järvinen. Kaksostutkimuksia reumataudeissa. (Twin studies in rheumatic disease. In Finnish) Tampereen yliopisto 1994.
Leena von Hertzen. Chlamydia pneumoniae infection in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - diagnostic, epidemiological and immunological aspects. Publication of the National Public Health Institute KTL A11/1996. Helsingin yliopisto 1996.
Elise Kosunen. Adolescent Reproductive Health in Finland: Oral contraception, pregnancies and abortions from the 1980s to the 1990s. Acta Universitatis Tamperensis ser A vol 486. Tampereen yliopisto 1996.
Kirsi Appelberg. Interpersonal Conflicts at Work: Impact on Health Behavior, Psychiatric Morbidity and Work Disability. Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Research Reports 7. Helsingin yliopisto 1996.
Helena Kemppainen. Peptic ulcer disease - effect of age, risk factors, gastric function and heritability. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis Ser D Tom 254 Medica. Turun yliopisto 1997.
Riitta Simonen. Determinants of Adult psychomotor speed. A study of monozygotic twins. Studies in Sport, Physical Education and Health no. 47. Jyväskylän yliopisto 1997.
Heli-Tuulie Koivumaa-Honkanen. Life satisfaction as a health predictor. Kuopio University Publications D. Medical Sciences 143. Kuopion yliopisto 1998.
Laura Gibbons. Back function testing and paraspinal muscle magnetic resonance image parameters: their associations and determinants. A study of male, monozygotic twins. Studies in Sport, Physical Education and Health no. 54. Jyväskylän yliopisto 1998.
Maarit Korkeila. Genetic and Environmental determinants of body mass index and weight gain. University of Helsinki press, Helsingin yliopisto 1999.
Laura Oksanen. Common variants of the leptin, leptin receptor and 3-adrenergic receptor genes in human morbid obesity. Helsingin yliopisto 1999.
Maija Räsänen. Familial Aggregation and Risk Factors for Asthma and Hay Fever among Finnish Adolescent Twins - a Twin Family Study, Helsingin yliopisto 2000.
Karri Silventoinen. Body height: determinants and associations with social position and adult health. Helsingin yliopisto 2000.
Mikko Kallela. Clinical Characteristics and Pathophysiological Mechanisms of Familial Migraine with and without Aura. Helsingin yliopisto 2000.
Miina Öhman. The search for genes predisposing to Obesity. Helsingin yliopisto 2001.
Danielle M Dick. Genes, environments and interactions: specifying influences on alcohol use and related phenotypes. Indianan yliopisto 2001.
Mika Palvanen. Upper Body fractures in older adults: epidemiology and injury mechanisms. Tampereen yliopisto 2001.
Maija Harrela. Twin and Epidemiological Studies on Insulin-like growth factor binding protein I, relationships to insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular risk. Helsingin yliopisto 2002.
Elisa Huovinen. An epidemiological study of occurrence, prognosis and predisposing factors of adult asthma. Helsingin yliopisto 2002.
Marja Aarnio. Leisure-time physical activity in late adolescence - a cohort study of stability, correlates and familial aggregation in twin boys and girls (Nuorten liikunta- ja terveystottumukset). Kuopion yliopiston julkaisuja D. Lääketiede. ISBN 951-781-892-0. Kuopion yliopisto, 2002.
Paula Heinonen. A Three Amino Acid Deletion Variant in the alfa2B -adrenergic Receptor. Identification and Clinical Association Studies. Turun yliopisto 2003.
Sofia Carlsson. Weight history, low birth weight, alcohol consumption and type 2 diabetes. Karoliininen instituutti 2003.
Tiina Milan. Genetic and Lifestyle Determinants in Skin Cancer: Study of the Nationwide Twin and Cancer Registry Conorts. Turun yliopisto 2003.
Laura Jartti Markers of subclinical atherosclerosis. A study of middle-aged male twins discordant for migration from Finland to Sweden. Turun yliopisto 2003.
Riitta Marttila. Epidemiological and genetic study of respiratory distress syndrome in preterm infants. Specific aspects of twin and multiple births. Oulun yliopisto 2003.
Kirsi Lillberg. Psychological Stress, Personality and Risk of Breast Cancer: Follow-up Studies in the Finnish Twin Cohort. Helsingin yliopisto 2003.
Torsten Winter. Nuorten raittius ja siihen vaikuttavat tekijät (Abstinence and its determinants among youths). Helsingin yliopisto 2004. [lue]
Karl Gertow. Fatty acid transport proteins. Karoliininen instituutti 2004.
Päivi Laitinen. Genetic defects of calcium and potassium signaling in inherited ventricular arrhythmias. Helsingin yliopisto 2004. [lue]
Elina Vierikko. Genetic and Environmental effects on Aggression. Jyväskylän yliopisto 2004
Katja Kannisto. The metabolic Syndrome - Studies on Thrifty Genes. Karoliininen instituutti 2004
Miika Hernelahti. Physical activity, inherited characteristics, and hypertension. Helsingin yliopisto 2004. [lue]
Anna Keski-Rahkonen. Genetic and environmental influences on body image, disordered eating, and weight control. Helsingin yliopisto 2004. [lue]
Kirsi Pietiläinen. Born to be heavy? Determinants of body size from birth to early adulthood. Helsingin yliopisto 2004.
Heidi Fodstad. Genetic and functional studies of severe ventricular arrythmias. Helsingin yliopisto 2005. [lue]
Hanna Harno. Migraine and episodic ataxia type 2: a clinical, genetic, neurotologic, and magnetic resonance spectroscopy study. Helsingin yliopisto 2005. [lue]
Tuula Kieseppä. A twin study on genetic and enviromental factors in bipolar disorder. Helsingin yliopisto 2005. [lue]
Jussi Hirvonen. Brain dopamine receptors and genetic risk for schizophrenia - A twin study using positron emission tomography. Turun yliopisto 2005.
Mari Kaunisto. Assignment of Genetic loci and Variants predisposing to migraine with aura and episodic ataxia type 2. Helsingin yliopisto 2005. [lue]
Elina Suviolahti. Search for genetic variants conferring susceptibility to obesity and related metabolic traits. Helsingin yliopisto 2005. [lue]
Annina Ropponen. Heredity, other constitutional structural and behavioral factors in back function tests. Kuopion yliopisto 2006. [lue]
Varpu Penninkilampi. Implications of co-twin dependence for twins' social interactions, mental health and alcohol use - A follow-up study of Finnish twins from adolescence to early adulthood. Helsingin yliopisto 2006. [lue]
Satu Pajala. Postural Balance and Susceptibility to Falls in Older Women - Genetic and environmental influences in single and dual task situations. Jyväskylän yliopisto 2006. [lue]
Kristiina Tiainen. Genetics of skeletal muscle characteristics and maximal walking speed among older females twins. Jyväskylän yliopisto 2006. [lue]
Jarna Hannukainen. The Effects of Increased Physical Activity and Aerobic Fitness on Healthy Monozygotic Twins. With special reference to heart and skeletal muscle. Turun yliopisto 2006.
Valma Harjutsalo. Familial aggregation of type 1 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy in Finland. Helsingin yliopisto 2007. [lue]
Ebba Hedlund. International migration and coronary heart disease. Tukholman yliopisto 2007. [lue]
Reeta Rintamäki. Mood in association with dietary nutrient intakes and sleep length. Kuopion yliopisto 2007.
Theo G. M. van Erp. Hippocampus and Memory abnormalities in Schizophrenia. Contributions of Genes and Environment. Utrechtin yliopisto 2007. [lue]
Ulla Broms. Nicotine Dependence and Smoking Behaviour: A genetic and epidemiological study. Helsingin yliopisto 2008. [lue]
Suoma Saarni. Obesity, Smoking and Dieting. Helsingin yliopisto 2008. [lue]
Kaisu Keskitalo. A matter of taste: genetic and environmental influences on responses to sweetness. Helsingin yliopisto 2008. [lue]
Antti Knaapila. Genetic and environmental influences on human responses to odors. Helsingin yliopisto 2008. [lue]
Erja Portegijs. Asymmetrical lower-limb muscle strength deficit in older people. Jyväskylän yliopisto 2008.
Jussi Naukkarinen. Molecular Background of Common Dyslipidemias. Helsingin yliopisto 2008. [lue]
Anu Koskela. The brain serotonin transporter binding in young adults; methodological considerations and association with Bulimia Nervosa and acquired obesity. Helsingin yliopisto 2008. [lue]
Hanna Kuusisto. Multiple Sclerosis in Twins. A Finnish Twin Cohort study on genetic and environmental factors. Tampereen yliopisto 2008. [lue]
Karoliina Wehkalampi. Timing of puberty: Genetic regulation. Helsingin yliopisto 2008. [lue]
Ruut Virtanen. Epidemiological studies of childhood and adolescence headache. Turun yliopisto 2008. [lue]
Marja Heinonen-Guzejev. Noise sensitivity - medical, psychological and genetic aspects. Helsingin yliopisto 2009. [lue]
Anu Raevuori. Male eating disorders and related traits : Genetic epidemiological study in Finnish twins. Helsingin yliopisto 2009. [lue]
Päivi Tikka-Kleemola: Identification of Loci for Migraine with Aura. Helsingin yliopisto 2009. [lue]
Minna Mänty: Early Signs of Mobility Decline and Physical Activity Counseling as a Preventive Intervention in Older People. Jyväskylän yliopisto 2010. [lue]
Elina Sihvola: Early-Onset Depressive Disorders, Related Mental Health Disorders and Substance Use – A Prospective, Longitudinal Study of Finnish Twins Born 1983-1987. Helsingin yliopisto 2010. [lue]
Timo Verneri Anttila: Identification of Genetic Susceptibility Loci for Migraine. Helsingin yliopisto 2010. [lue]
Tuija Mikkola: Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Bone Structural Strength in Postmenopausal Women. Jyväskylän yliopisto 2010. [lue]
Noora Scheinin: Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease β-amyloid Pathology. Turun yliopisto 2010. [lue]
Jenni Kulmala: Visual Acuity in Relation to Functional Performance, Falls and Mortality in Old Age. Jyväskylän yliopisto 2010. [lue]
Eero Vuoksimaa: Origins of the Sex Differences in Handedness and Mental Rotation Ability: Genetic, Environmental and Hormonal Effects. Helsingin yliopisto 2010. [lue]
Hanna-Reetta Lajunen: Leisure Activities and Obesity in Adolescence – A follow-up study among twins. Helsingin yliopisto 2010. [lue]
Sara Mutikainen: Genetic and Environmental Effects on Resting Electrocardiography and the Association between Electrocardiography and Physical Activity, Walking Endurance and Mortality in Older People. Jyväskylän yliopisto 2010. (lue)
Antti Latvala: Cognitive Functioning in Alcohol and Other Substance Use Disorders in Young Adulthood. A genetic epidemiological study. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos 2011. [lue]
Hongqiang Ma: Adaptation of Bone to Physical Activity and Diet-Induced Obesity. Jyväskylän yliopisto 2011. [lue]
Sanni Söderlund: HDL Subspecies: Association with Low HDL-C, Obesity, and Metabolic Syndrome. Helsingin yliopisto 2011. [lue]
Venla Laitala: Determinants of Cognitive Impairment in Old Age and Their Genetic Architecture. Helsingin yliopisto 2011. [lue]
Katja Waller: Leisure-Time Physical Activity, Weight Gain and Health. A Prospective Follow-Up in Twins. Jyväskylän yliopisto 2011. [lue]
Maria Hukkinen: Smoking Patterns and Lung Function: A Longitudinal Twin Study. Helsingin yliopisto 2011. (lue)
Linda Mustelin: Obesity, Physical Activity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Young Adulthood: Studies in Finnish Twins. Helsingin yliopisto 2012. (lue)
Annu Näkki: Search for Susceptibility Genes in Osteoarthritis. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos 2012. (lue)
Sari Aaltonen: Leisure-Time Physical Activity in a Finnish Twin Study. Jyväskylän yliopisto 2013. (lue)
Tuija Leskinen: Long-Term Leisure-Time Physical Activity vs. Inactivity, Physical Fitness, Body Composition and Metabolic Health Characteristics: a Co-Twin Control Study. Jyväskylän yliopisto 2013. (lue)
Outi Törnwall: Genetic and Environmental Influences on Chemosensory Perception and Preferences. Helsingin yliopisto 2013. (lue)
Leonie-Helen Bogl: Dietary Factors, Obesity and Serum Lipoprotein Profile: A Nutritional Epidemiological Study in Young Adult Twins. Helsingin yliopisto 2014. (lue)
Mikko Lehtovirta: Heritability of Type 2 Diabetes and Related Traits. Helsingin yliopisto 2014. (lue)
Katariina Rintakoski: Sleep Bruxism - Genetic Factors and Psychoactive Substances. Studies in Finnish twins. Helsingin yliopisto 2014. (read).
Minna Ståhl: Non-specific Neck Pain in Preadolescent to Adolescent Populations. Helsingin yliopisto 2014. (read).
Milla Linna: Reproductive and Psychological Outcomes of Eating Disorders. Helsingin yliopisto 2014 (read).