Reeve, Michael D.

Last modified by 14zunde on 2025/02/04 06:58

Reeve, Michael D. (born in 1943) is a British philologist. He was Kennedy Professor of Latin at Cambridge University (1984-2006). Besides his editions of Greek and Latin texts from antiquity to the middle ages (Cicero, Longus, Vegetius, Geoffrey of Monmouth), he greatly contributed to the theory of textual criticism and stemmatology. Being trained and having taught in several countries (esp. Germany and Italy), he is at the crossroad of several traditions of textual criticism. The following list contains only methodological contributions.

Works by Reeve

– Reeve, Michael D. 1986. “Stemmatic Method: ‘qualcosa che non funziona’?” In The role of the Book in Medieval Culture: Proceedings of the Oxford International Symposium 26 September – 1 October 1982, edited by Peter Ganz, vol. 1, 57–69. Bibliologia, vol. 3. Turnhout: Brepols.
– ———. 1988. “Shared innovations, dichotomies, and evolution.” In Filologia classica e filologia romanza: Esperienze ecdotiche a confronto: Atti del Convegno Roma 25–27 maggio 1995, edited by Anna Ferrari, 445–505. Incontri di Studio, vol. 2. Spoleto: Centro Italiano di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo.
– ———. 2000. “Cuius in usum? Recent and future editing.” The Journal of Roman Studies 90: 196–206.
– ———. 2007. “Reconstructing Archetypes: A New Proposal and an Old Fallacy.” In Hesperos. Studies in ancient Greek poetry presented to M. L. West on his seventieth birthday, edited by Patrick Finglass, Christopher Collard, and Nicholas J. Richardson, 326–340. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

His main contributions have been republished in: Reeve, Michael D. 2011. Manuscripts and Methods: Essays on Editing and Transmission. Storia e letteratura, vol. 270. Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura. See