Wiki source code of Manuscript

Last modified by 14zunde on 2024/02/13 07:41

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13haugen 26.1 1 The word(% style="line-height: 1.4285715;" %)// manuscript//(%%) derives from Latin (% style="line-height: 1.4285715;" %)//manus//(%%) = ‘hand‘ and (% style="line-height: 1.4285715;" %)//scribere//(%%) = ‘to write’ and means a handwritten document, in a portable format, written on papyrus (mainly used in antiquity), parchment (widespread after the 3rd century AD) or paper (since the 12th century AD). Inscriptions are normally excluded from this definition. As a format, the [[codex>>doc:stemmatology.Codex.WebHome]] is generally used for Western manuscripts since the 3rd century AD, replacing the scroll. Medieval manuscripts are often composite: they are composed of several "codicological units", that may date from different periods.
15mace 24.1 2
14zunde 31.1 3 Before the invention of the printing press (mid 15th century), written texts were transmitted through [[copying>>doc:stemmatology.Copying of texts.WebHome]] of manuscripts. Most manuscripts carry many texts and will therefore be used as [[witnesses>>doc:stemmatology.Witness.WebHome]] for the study of several textual traditions.
15mace 24.1 4
14zunde 30.1 5 Except for the study of their contents, which is the object of [[textual criticism>>doc:stemmatology.Textual criticism.WebHome]], manuscripts can also be studied as archaeological objects ([[codicology>>doc:stemmatology.Codicology.WebHome]]).
15mace 24.1 6
7 ==== **Other usage** ====
9 The term manuscript is also used for the final draft of a modern text that is sent to the printer, no matter whether it is hand-written or not.
11 ==== **References** ====
13 –  Gumbert, Johann Peter. 2004. "Codicological Units. Towards a Terminology for the Stratigraphy of the Non-Homogeneous Codex." //Segno e Testo// 2, 17-42.
14 –  Maniaci, Marilena, ed. 2015. “Chapter 1: Codicology.” In //Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies: An Introduction//, edited by Alessandro Bausi et al., 69–266. Hamburg: Tredition. [[http:~~/~~/>>url:||shape="rect"]]
16 ==== **In other languages** ====
18 DE: Handschrift; Manuskript (usually only for the "other usage")
19 FR: manuscrit
20 IT: manoscritto
14zunde 29.1 21 \\[[CM>>doc:stemmatology.Parvum lexicon stemmatologicum.Contributors.WebHome]], [[TB>>doc:stemmatology.Parvum lexicon stemmatologicum.Contributors.WebHome]]