Wiki source code of Edit a resource

Last modified by adm_ea@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/07 06:54

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16 (% style="color: rgb(23,43,77);" %)**This page describes the main features you can edit for a resource. Most options are also described in the article about their function. All of these options can be found in the resource settings. You can only edit a resource when you are an admin of it. **
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24 = **How to open the resource settings** =
26 (% style="color: rgb(23,43,77);" %)To edit a resource, you have to click on the gear wheel symbol in the toolbar of the resource. This symbol is only visible to portal, provider and resource admins. Now a new window called "(%%)**//Edit Resource//**(% style="color: rgb(23,43,77);" %)" opens with multiple tabs. Whenever you edit your resource be sure to click “(%%)**//Update//**(% style="color: rgb(23,43,77);" %)” to save the changes you made. By just clicking the “(%%)**//Close//**(% style="color: rgb(23,43,77);" %)” button your changes will not be saved. (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)The gear wheel symbol in the toolbar can be found in BROWSE.RESOURCES, SCHEDULER and ADMIN.RESOURCES.
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34 = **Tab: Access** =
adm_ea@helsinki_fi 10.1 36 In this tab you can grant manual access to individual users or groups of users (whole groups, departments, organizations, projects or communities). More about the visibility and access to a resource in general can be found [[here>>doc:openirisIO.Open IRIS.Open IRIS Documentation.Admin guide.Visibility and Access for Resources.WebHome||anchor="Directaccess"]]. Information about the direct access via the "Access" tab can be found [[here>>doc:openirisIO.Open IRIS.Open IRIS Documentation.Admin guide.Visibility and Access for Resources.WebHome||anchor="Directaccess"]].
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44 = **Tab: Requests** =
adm_ea@helsinki_fi 10.1 46 This tab is only displayed if the resource is bookable with [[request based booking>>doc:openirisIO.Open IRIS.Open IRIS Documentation.Admin guide.Visibility and Access for Resources.WebHome||anchor="Requestbasedbooking"]]. Then all currently active requests to the corresponding service are listed in this tab.
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54 = **Tab: Trainings** =
adm_ea@helsinki_fi 12.1 56 In this tab all training requests for the resource including the user, its status, etc. can be found. You can also create a new training request for a user or edit an existing request. Read more about enabling and responding to training request [[here>>doc:openirisIO.Open IRIS.Open IRIS Documentation.Admin guide.Training requests.WebHome]] or about how users can request a training [[here>>doc:openirisIO.Open IRIS.Open IRIS Documentation.User guide.Requests.WebHome||anchor="Training"]].
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64 = **Tab: Issues** =
adm_ea@helsinki_fi 11.1 66 This tab lists all reported issues for the resource with the submitter, its currents status, etc. Here you can also create a new issue or edit an existing one. In order for users to report a issue, the issue button must be enabled(% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %). Read more on how to do so and how to deal with an issue in IRIS [[here>>doc:openirisIO.Open IRIS.Open IRIS Documentation.Admin guide.Issues.WebHome]]. Read more on how users can report an issue once the button is enabled [[here>>doc:openirisIO.Open IRIS.Open IRIS Documentation.User guide.Report an issue.WebHome]].
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74 = **Tab: Settings** =
76 Here you can change the general information about the resource. This includes its name, provider (only if you are the admin of multiple providers), resource type, contact email address, location, ect. Please note that the resource class cannot be changed. You can assign additional resource admins for the resource. Every resource admin has the rights to edit a resource.
78 (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)Additionally, you can decide whether your resource should be usable with an operator. The default option is "//Off//" (no operators available). Other options are: "//Visible to admins only//" (The option to select an operator is only visible to admins. They can assign operators to any user using the resource.), "//Optional//" (Users can choose to have an operator when using the resource but it is not mandatory. The user has no choice concerning the operator.), "//Optional and user can select operator//" (The same as before but the user can select an operator.), "//Mandatory//" (It is mandatory for every usage of the resource to be operator assisted. The user has no choice concerning the operator.), "//Mandatory unless trained//" (It is mandatory for every usage of the resource to be operator assisted if the user hasn't been trained. The user has no choice concerning the operator.), "//Mandatory and user can select operator//" (It is mandatory for every usage of the resource to be operator assisted but the user can select an operator.), "//Mandatory and user can select operator unless trained//" (It is mandatory for every usage of the resource to be operator assisted if the user hasn't been trained. The user can select an operator.). If chosen that operators are needed, they can be assigned, otherwise the provider administrators will serve as operators.
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86 = **Tab: Asset info** =
88 This tab contains information about the device like a manufacturer, model number or a contact ID. This data is mostly for your personal information and it is optional to add it.
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96 = **Tab: Options** =
98 This tab contains most settings for the resource. Therefore, it can seem very overcrowded and is not simple to understand. The first part of the options regulates the visibility of the resource. The second part regulates the display of specific buttons or alternative labels. In the third part specific requirements for the usage of the resource can be set. The fourth part regulates the access to the resource. Hoovering with the mouse over the question mark symbol will also give a short explanation for each option. Please remember to always click "**//Update//**" after changing the options. Otherwise the changes will not be saved.
100 == **Visibility** ==
102 This part contains options to regulate the visibility of your resource as well as the timeline and calendar of your resource.
104 [[image:attach:demo_edit resource_options_visibility.png]]
adm_ea@helsinki_fi 10.1 106 (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)**Visibility**: This option regulates which users get to see your resource. Detailed information about all following choices can be found [[here>>doc:openirisIO.Open IRIS.Open IRIS Documentation.Admin guide.Visibility and Access for Resources.WebHome||anchor="Visibilityofresources"]]. Keep in mind that if none of these options is chosen then every user with access to your provider will be able to see the resource.
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adm_ea@helsinki_fi 10.1 108 (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)**Timeline/Calendar visibility**: This option regulates which of the users, who can see your resource, are allowed to see the timeline and the calendar of it. Detailed information about all following choices cab be found [[here>>doc:openirisIO.Open IRIS.Open IRIS Documentation.Admin guide.Visibility and Access for Resources.WebHome||anchor="Timeline/Calendarvisibility"]].
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110 (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)**Enable shopping cart**: This feature is only usable outside of the portal. To use it please contact the IRIS administrator.
112 == **Display** ==
114 [[image:attach:demo_edit resource_display in booking window.png]]
116 The first three options of this part regulate the display of a booking window.
118 [[image:attach:demo_edit resource_booking window.png]][[image:attach:demo_edit resource_booking window_admin.png]]
120 First alternative labels for "//Title//" or "//Comment//" in the booking window can be set. If the field is left blank then the original labels will be used. Also specific fields like "//Title//", "//Comments//", "//Attachments//", "//Full Day Booking//" (through the button called "//all time event//") or the access and training warnings can be suppressed. The fields will not appear in the window if they are suppressed. Additionally it is possible to suppress "//sticky settings//". Sticky settings are settings that remember what was chosen the last time and continues to use it until the information is changed.
122 In next options of this part you can regulate whether specific buttons should be displayed for your resource and whether specific features should be available.
124 [[image:attach:demo_edit resource_options_display2.png]]
adm_ea@helsinki_fi 9.1 126 **Display**: This option lets you display different features. If "//Show title on booking//" is ticked, the booking title is shown in the timeline instead of the users name. If no booking title is given then the users name will still be displayed. In the section requirements it can be enforced to give the booking a title (described later in this article). "//Display label//" displays the label of the booking. The button "//Hide pricing//" hides the pricing of products. (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)"//Training request//" enabled the button to request a training. This is independent from the button "//Training required//" in the section requirements. These two buttons are described in more detail [[here>>doc:openirisIO.Open IRIS.Open IRIS Documentation.Admin guide.Training requests.WebHome]].
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adm_ea@helsinki_fi 8.1 128 **Display "Issues/Maintenance"**: (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)In order to receive issue notifications for your resources, you need to [[display the issue button>>doc:openirisIO.Open IRIS.Open IRIS Documentation.Admin guide.Issues.WebHome||anchor="Enableissuereporting"]]. To do so you need to select the users who should be able to see the issue button in the drop-down menu. The possibilities are "//Nobody//", "//Users who can book//" and "//Users who have access to my provider//". It is also possible to tick "//Hide submitted issues by default//". This means that submitted issues will not be published automatically but flag them as hidden. Now the selected users can (%%)[[report issues>>url:||style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" shape="rect"]](% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %) of the resource.
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adm_ea@helsinki_fi 13.1 130 **Subscription**: (% style="color: rgb(23,43,77);" %)As a resource administrator you can enable subscriptions to your resource. If one of the two latter choices is enabled, everyone belonging to the chosen group can subscribe to your resource. That means i.e. to receive emails about bookings, free timeslots or issues concerning the resource. Read more about subscriptions [[here>>doc:openirisIO.Open IRIS.Open IRIS Documentation.User guide.Subscription to a resource.WebHome]].
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adm_ea@helsinki_fi 8.1 132 **Notify users of submitted issues**: If this option is enabled all users of your resource will be automatically informed via email if a new issue is submitted to your resource. More information about this button and issues in general can be found [[here>>doc:openirisIO.Open IRIS.Open IRIS Documentation.Admin guide.Issues.WebHome]].
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134 == **Requirements** ==
136 The options in this part regulates which information and other prerequisites are required by the users in order for them to book the resource.
138 [[image:attach:demo_edit resource_options_requirements.png]]
140 **Requirements**: When a user books a resource it is usually only necessary to fill out the start and end time. This option requires the user to give a "//Title//" and/or "//Comment//". "//Group//" requires that the user has to be a member of a group. The user is required to meet the requirements before being allowed to make a booking or sending a booking request. 
adm_ea@helsinki_fi 9.1 142 **Training required**: If this button is ticked, users can only use your resource after completing a training. Read more about trainings [[here>>doc:openirisIO.Open IRIS.Open IRIS Documentation.Admin guide.Training requests.WebHome]]. Additionally a form for the training request can be added. Read more about forms [[here>>doc:openirisIO.Open IRIS.Open IRIS Documentation.Admin guide.Form.WebHome]].
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144 **Full day bookings only**: If this button is ticked, users can only make bookings for a full day and not smaller timeslots.
146 **Booking increments**: This option sets the increments by which a booking can be made (in minutes or hours). It forces users to book the resource in the specified increment intervals. If no booking increment is set, every booking length is possible.
148 **Concurrent bookings**: Usually only one booking at the time is allowed for a resource. But if this button is ticked, it is possible for users to book this resource concurrently. It has to be set how many concurrent bookings are allowed. It is also possible to set it to "//Unlimited//".
150 **Cost center**: "//Enable cost center//" allows booking on a cost center if they exist and N/A can be a choice. "//Requires cost center//" requires a cost center on all bookings and must be defined for all users or groups. N/A is not an available option anymore.
152 **Projects**: "//On//" allows booking on a project if they exist and N/A can be a choice. "//On and required//" requires a project on all bookings and must be defined for all users or groups. N/A is not an available option anymore.
154 == **Access** ==
156 This part of the options regulates the access to your resource and to bookings of your resource.
158 [[image:attach:demo_edit resource_options_access.png]]
160 **Offline**: This option disables the resource for normal users but admins can still use it normally.
adm_ea@helsinki_fi 10.1 162 **Enable**: __Agent__: This option enables the local agent on the resource to allow login by users with a booking. __Request based booking__: (% style="color: rgb(23,43,77);" %)This option only allows booking after a request. By default no one has access to your resource but a request to book this resource can be send via a corresponding service. If admins accept this request, the user will be able to book the resource for a defined period of time. Read more about request based booking(%%) [[here>>doc:openirisIO.Open IRIS.Open IRIS Documentation.Admin guide.Visibility and Access for Resources.WebHome||anchor="Requestbasedbooking"]]. __Access request by users__: (% style="color: rgb(23,43,77);" %)This enables users which do not have access to this resource to send you a request to access you resource. Read more about access requests(%%) [[here>>doc:openirisIO.Open IRIS.Open IRIS Documentation.Admin guide.Visibility and Access for Resources.WebHome||anchor="Accessrequest"]].
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adm_ea@helsinki_fi 12.1 164 **Disable**: With this option the access to a resource via a service request can be disabled. More information about a service request can be found [[here>>doc:openirisIO.Open IRIS.Open IRIS Documentation.User guide.Requests.WebHome||anchor="Services"]].
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adm_ea@helsinki_fi 10.1 166 **Booking approval**: If this option is enabled, u(% style="color: rgb(23,43,77);" %)sers can send a booking request each time they want to book your resource even, when they do not have access to it. Every booking request needs to be approved by an admin. Once users have a direct access to your resource the booking does not need approval anymore. Read more about booking approvals(%%) [[here>>doc:openirisIO.Open IRIS.Open IRIS Documentation.Admin guide.Visibility and Access for Resources.WebHome||anchor="Bookingapproval"]].
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168 **All bookings editable by all users**: This option allows any user who can see the resource to edit existing bookings.
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176 = **Tab: Description** =
178 In this tab you can give a description of your resource. This can be either a URL (e.g. a link to the description of the manufacturer or to your providers own webpage) or directly entered text. The text entered here will then be displayed in the "//Description//" tab of the details window of the resource. The details window of a resource can be opened by clicking on the magnifying glass symbol in the toolbar of the resource.
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186 = **Tab: Comments** =
188 In this tab you can enter comments for this resource. Comments are also displayed in the "//Description//" tab of the details window of the resource just above the description. There is also the possibility to show the comments in the resource booking window. To do so click the respective button.
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196 = **Tab: Policies** =
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206 = **Tab: Products** =
adm_ea@helsinki_fi 5.1 208 In this tab all products from your provider (created and listed at [[ADMIN.PRODUCTS>>doc:openirisIO.Open IRIS.Open IRIS Documentation.Admin guide.Admin tab.WebHome||anchor="Products"]]) can be listed for the resource. To add a product you can select it with the left drop-down and clicking on "//Add product//". Now it will be listed in the grid below. The products can be edited (pen symbol) or deleted from this list (x symbol). The number in brackets in the name of the tab indicates the number of products attached to the resource.
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210 [[image:attach:demo_products for resource.png]]
212 The list of products created in the products tab of the resource settings can now be enabled for product selection when users book the resource. This can be done by ticking "//Enable product selection//". Now the product picker is listed in "//Additional Information//" of the booking window. (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)The product selection can be enforced (tick "//Require product selection//"). Then at least one product must be selected in order for the user to book the resource. Other possible selections are: "//Suppress description//" (The row Description will not be displayed in the product picker.), "//Show only totals in quotes and charges//" (The rows Price and Total will not be displayed in the product picker but the total charges will be displayed in the booking window after the product selection.), "//Suppress comments//" (The row Comments will not be displayed in the product picker.) and "//Alternate label//" (The entered text replaces the label "//Products~://" in the booking window of the resource.).
214 [[image:attach:demo_resource booking with product selection.png]][[image:attach:demo_resource booking with product selection_product picker.png]]
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222 = **Tab: Add-ons** =
adm_ea@helsinki_fi 4.1 224 In this tab you can add Add-ons for your resource. Add-ons are resources of the type "//Scheduled (Add-on)//" which can be added to a resource or not. Add a new Add-on by clicking on "//add add-on//". A new window will open with a list of possible choices. Select the desired resources and click on "//apply selection//" to add them. To read more about Add-ons click [[here>>doc:openirisIO.Open IRIS.Open IRIS Documentation.Admin guide.Add-ons for resources.WebHome]].
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232 = **Tab: Form** =
adm_ea@helsinki_fi 7.1 234 In this tab a form can be created. To read how to do that exactly click [[here>>doc:openirisIO.Open IRIS.Open IRIS Documentation.Admin guide.Form.WebHome]].
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242 = **Tab: Configurations** =
244 In this tab all your configurations are listed. You can add a new configuration by clicking on "//New configuration//". You need to add a name, add-ons and products to design a configuration. This configuration can be set as default for the resource by clicking on the respective button.
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252 = **Delete a resource** =
254 To delete a resource go to ADMIN.RESOURCES and select the resource(s) which should be deleted. Then select the action "//Delete resource(s)//" in the dropdown menu above the grid.
256 [[image:attach:demo_ADMIN.RESOURCES select resource to delete.png]]
258 After clicking on "//Apply action//" a warning will be displayed and after clicking on "//OK//" another warning will be displayed.
260 [[image:attach:demo_ADMIN.RESOURCES warning to delete resource.png]][[image:attach:demo_ADMIN.RESOURCES warning to delete resource 2.png]]
262 When both warnings are answered with "Ok", the resource will be deleted and the following bulk deletion resource result window will be displayed to confirm the deletion. Please check here if the resources are really deleted or if there were any errors occuring.
264 [[image:attach:demo_ADMIN.RESOURCES completed deletion.png]]
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