Scheduler - Booking (Cancel or Delete a booking)

Last modified by adm_ea@helsinki_fi on 2025/02/04 07:06

How to cancel or delete a booking.

Depending of the rules that applies to an equipment you can delete your booking. In most cases, you can only delete a booking more than 24hours in advance.

  1. First, you need to be log into Open-IRIS.
  2. Select the booking you would like to delete.
  3. If Edit booking window you should click delete.
  4. Click “Delete booking record” on the pop-up window.

image2017-5-31 6:9:36.png

In the case, you would like to delete a booking less than 24hours in advance, you cannot delete but you can cancel it (this could not be available through your provider).

  1. First, you need to be log into Open-IRIS.
  2. Select the booking you would like to delete.
  3. If Edit booking window you should click delete.
  4. Click “Cancel booking record” on the pop-up window. The reservation will then become available for booking to others users. If a user take-over your booking or part of it your team will not be charge if nobody take-over your team will be charged for the use of the equipment.

image2017-5-31 6:9:36.png

Important notice, if you “cancel” or “delete” a booking, You don’t need to send an email to all users. Emails are automatically sent to users that subscribe to receive notifications for “deleted or changed booking”.