Wiki source code of IT for Science group

Last modified by smaisala@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/08 06:48

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4 = What we do? =
6 IT for Science group provides support for scientific computing and applications in Faculty of Science and Institute of Biotechnology.
8 IT for Science is reponsible for
10 * Development and maintain high performance computing environments in the University of Helsinki
11 * Development of University's Cubbli linux distribution
12 * Consulting and support services for researchers in the area of computing hardware, softwares for scientific computing, programming environments for scientific computing, data management, storages and some services produced by CSC
13 * Data science, machine learning and deep learning environments and infrastructures
15 We also work with coordination of data support of the university, VDI-environments, legacy systems and some other research related IT issues.
17 = How to contact us? =
19 * IT for Science group can be contacted through University's Helpdesk, from where relevant tickets are forwarded to us.
20 * You can send requests directly to the group with email address **it4science at [[>>url:||shape="rect"]]**.
21 * You can chat with us using the university's jabber ([[click here for instructions>>url:||shape="rect"]]): join the channel [[>>||shape="rect"]]
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