Course feedback
After transition from WebOodi to Sisu, course feedback is collected with the NORPPA system University level questions apply to all courses. Bachelors programme in Physical sciences will add programme questions to all of its courses (codes starting with FYS). If you prefer not to have them, send an email to so she can remove them from your course.
See 3. Teacher's guide for help on how to add questions, see your course feedback and at the end give counter feedback to your students.
Notice: course feedback summary will be visible to the degree programme board and in addition admin level (directors and study coordinators) see feedback to all course questions.
University level questions
For all university of Helsinki courses.
The learning objectives were clear to me / Osaamistavoitteet olivat selvät
The course activies supported my learning / Toteutustapa tuki oppimistani
The material used in the course supported my learning / Materiaalit tukivat oppimistani
Course assessment measured the achievement of the learning objectives / Arviointi mittasi oppimistani
Course workload was / Työmäärältään opintojakso oli (too heavy/somewhat heavy/appropriate/somewhat too light/too light)
Other comments / Muita huomioita (open question / avoin)
BSc programme questions
Default questions for Bachelor in Physical Sciences programme courses (FYS###):
Background info / Taustatiedot:
#OP student number / opiskelijanumero (Note, this is not linked to other answers, list of student numbers from answers given separately to the teacher)
Attendance / Osallistuminen opetukseen: 0-20%/20-40%/40-60%/60-80%/80-100%
#O1 I followed the lectures (live/recorded) / Luentojen seuraaminen (liveluennot / tallenteet)
#O2 I attended the exercise sessions / Osallistuminen harjoitustilaisuuksiin (if applicable / mikäli järjestettiin)
Opinion about course / Mielipide kurssista (vaihtoehtona 1-5)
#K1 Course content was interesting / Kurssin sisältö oli kiinnostava
#K2 My background knowledge was adequate / Pohjatietoni olivat riittävät
#K3 Requirement level of this course was easy / Kurssi oli vaatimustasoltaan helppo
Practical arrangements in teaching / Opetuksen käytännön toteutus: (vaihtoehtona 1-5)
#K6 The course atmosphere was inspiring / Opiskeluilmapiiri kurssilla oli innostava
#K8 Communication and practical arrangements of this course worked well / Kurssin käytännön järjestelyt ja tiedotus toimivat hyvin
#K9 Teaching facilities, software platforms and equipment were appropriate / Opetustilat/-alustat (ja -välineet) olivat asianmukaiset
Teaching: Lectures / Opetus: luennot: (vaihtoehtona 1-5 / ei koske kurssia)
#L0 Implementation of the lectures supported my learning / Luentojen toteutus tuki oppimistani
Teaching: exercises / Opetus: laskuharjoitukset: (vaihtoehtona 1-5 / ei koske kurssia)
#H0 Implementation of the exercise sessions supported my learning / Laskuharjoitustilaisuuksien toteutus ja työskentelytavat tukivat oppimistani
#H1 Exercise practice (returning, checking etc.) of the course was suitable for me / Kurssin harjoituskäytäntö (palautus, tarkastus, jne.) sopi minulle hyvin
#H4 Exercises were easy / Harjoitustehtävät olivat helppoja
#H5 Exercises supported the understanding of the matters learnt in the lectures / Harjoitustehtävien tekeminen tuki luennolla opittujen asioiden ymmärtämistä
What was most important for your own learning on this course? / Mikä oli kurssilla tärkeintä oman oppimisesi kannalta? (open question / avoin)
Examples of questions the teachers may add themselves (matching earlier WebOodi questions)
Open questions:
#A1 Mikä oli kurssilla parasta? / What was the best thing about this course? / Vad var det bästa i kursen?
#A3 Miten kurssia voisi kehittää paremmaksi? / How could this course be improved? / Hur kunde man utveckla kursen? - Please note that sometimes this question has attracted harshly negative comments about teachers.
Interpretation of course feedback
Not an objective assessment of courses!
• Article “Student evaluations of teaching are an inadequate assessment tool for evaluating faculty performance” 16?src=recsys
• However, it is invaluable to improving courses
Typical open question answers / Tyypillisiä avoimia kommentteja:
-lisää esimerkkejä
-materiaalit parempia
- luentokalvoja ei voi ymmärtää: ”ei tarkoitus itseopiskeluun”
- Vehkamäki – Hendolin sisältää näitä:
Response to student feedback
In the new feedback system, teachers are supposed to send a response (joint for all students) (called vastapalaute in Finnish) after viewing the feedback.
Typical grades for different questions
Figures below show examples of quantitative feedback for different course types for comparison. Data from selected courses, where detailed data was available, 2016-2021.
Classical Physics: Thermodynamics*, Analytical Mechanics, SMG, SäFo, VuAi/VuKa (* marks several courses matching this name)
Mathematical methods: Mapu*, FYMM*. (* marks several courses matching this name)
Modern Physics: KvaPer*, KvaSov*, SuPer (* marks several courses matching this name)
Laboratory courses: Perusop.labrat, AOL*. (* marks several courses matching this name)
Note: Question about Implementation of lectures/exercises has very limited data before Autumn 2021.
More supporting information from course feedback info page 1. General info.