Copy of Collections/Aineistot (Copy)

Last modified by akuusija@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/12 14:23


In the collections-section you can view, edit and add metadata about a collection. Collection is a permanently defined and tangible set of data or specimens; for example "V. F. Brotherus Herbarium" and "Winter Bird Census" are collections. Collections are organized hierarchically: a collection can have many sub-collections (but a collection cannot have many parent collections). For example:  Collections of the Finnish Museum of Natural History LUOMUS >  Collections of the Botanical Museum >  Fungi >  Lichenes externi.

A specimen has to belong to exactly one collection.

Kotka stores about collection, among other things:

  • Name, description, type
  • Taxonomic, temporal and geographic coverage
  • Copyrights, person responsible
  • Size

This information is preserved so that we would have good knowledge about what kind of collections there are, how they can be used, who owns them and so forth. When entering collection data, try to think what you would like to remember about it after a few years?