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Biometry publications
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- J Pitkäniemi, S Varvio, J Corander, N Lehti, J Partanen, E Tuomilehto-Wolf, J Tuomilehto, A Thomas, E Arjas. Analysis of genetic risk with variable age at onset disease - combing population-based registry data and demographic information. PLoS One Aug 31;4(8):e6836.(2009).
- S Varvio, K Auranen, E Arjas, PH Mäkelä. Evolution of the capsular regulatory genes in Streptococcus pneumoniae. J Infect Dis 200:1144-51. (2009).
- D Gasbarra, M Pirinen, MJ Sillanpää, E Arjas. Bayesian quantitative trait locus mapping based on reconstruction of recent genetic histories. Genetics , published ahead of print on July 20, 2009 as doi: 10.1534/genetics.109.104190
- L Holmstrom, P Koistinen. Pattern recognition. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statristics (in press) (2009).
- MJ Sillanpää. Detecting interactions in association studies by using simple allele recoding. Human Heredity 67:69-75.(2009).
- O Ovaskainen, H Rekola, Meyke, E Arjas. Bayesian methods for analyzing movements in heterogeneous landscapes from mark-recapture data. Ecology 89:542-554.(2008).
- J Corander, J Siren, E Arjas. Bayesian spatial modelling of genetic population structure. Computational Statistics 23:111-129.(2008).
- R Gupta, E Arjas, S Kulathinal, P.Auvinen. Bayesian hierarchical model for estimating gene expression intensity. EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, vol. 2008, Article ID 231950.(2008).
- O Saarela, S Kulathinal, E Arjas, E Läärä. Nested case-control data utilised for multiple outcomes: a likelihood approach and alternatives. Statistics in Medicine 27:5991-6008.(2008).
- S Varvio, T Iso-Touru, J Kantanen, S Viitala, I Tapio, A Mäki-Tanila, M Zerabruk, J Vilkki. Molecular anatomy of the cytoplasmic domain of bovine growth hormone receptor, a quantitative trait locus, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 275:1525-1534.(2008).
- S Kulathinal, D Gasbarra, S Kinra, S Ebrahim, MJ Sillanpää. Estimation of additive genetic and environmental sources of quantitative trait variation using data on married couples and their siblings. Genetics Research 90:269-279.(2008).
- P Waldmann, J Hallander, F Hoti, MJ Sillanpää. Efficient MCMC implementation of Bayesian analysis of additive and dominance genetic variances in non-inbred pedigrees. Genetics 179:1101-1112.(2008).
- MJ Sillanpää, N Noykova. Hierarchical modeling of clinical and expression quantitative trait loci. Heredity 101:271-284.(2008).
- M Bhattacharjee, CH Botting, MJ Sillanpää. Bayesian biomarker identification based on marker-expression-proteomics data. Genomics 92: 384-392.(2008).
- A Kuparinen, FM Schurr. Assessing the risk of gene flow from genetically modified trees carrying mitigation transgenes. Biological Invasions 10:281-290.(2008).
- A Kuparinen, RB O'Hara, J Merilä. The role of growth history in determining age and size at maturation in exploited fish populations. Fish & Fisheries 9:201-207.(2008)
- T Leinonen, RB O'Hara, JM Cano, J Merilä. Comparative studies of quantitative trait and neutral marker divergence: A meta-analysis. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21:1-17.(2008)
- CM Mutshinda, RB O'Hara, I.P.Woiwod. Species abundance dynamics under neutral assumptions: a Bayesian approach to the controversy. Functional Ecology 22:340-347.(2008).
- CM Mutshinda, I Antai, RB O'Hara. A probabilistic approach to exposure risk assessment. Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment 22:441-449.(2008).
- RB O'Hara. Double-blind review: let diversity reign. (Correspondence) Nature 452:28.(2008).
- RB O'Hara. Journal club Nature 452:785.(2008).
- RB O'Hara. European grants: a different view puts rich countries ahead. (Correspondence) Nature 455:285.(2008).
- RB O'Hara, JM Cano, O Ovaskainen, JS Alho, C Teplitsky, C. Bayesian Approaches in Evolutionary Quantitative Genetics. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 21:949-957.(2008).
- S Ortega-Garcia, G Ponce-Diaz, RB O'Hara, J Merilä. The relative importance of lunar phase and weather conditions on Striped Marlin (Tetrapturus audax) catches in sport fishing. Fisheries Research 93:190-194.(2008).
- A Pagano, D Lesbarreres, RB O'Hara, A Crivelli, M Veith, T Lode, DS Schmeller. Geographical and ecological distributions of frog hemiclones suggest occurrence of both 'General-Purpose Genotype' and 'Frozen Niche Variation' clones. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 46:162-168.(2008).
- T Snäll, RB O'Hara, C Ray, SK Collinge. Climate-driven spatial dynamics of plague among prairie dog colonies. American Naturalist 171: 238-248.(2008).
- TJ Webb, RB O'Hara, RP Freckleton. Does double-blind review benefit female authors? Trends in Ecology & Evolution 23:351-353. (2008).
- J Kohonen, S Talikota, J Corander, P Auvinen, E Arjas. A naive Bayes classifier for protein function prediction. In Silico Biology 9, article 0003 (2008).
- M Pirinen, S Kulathinal, D Gasbarra, MJ Sillanpää. Estimating population haplotype frequencies from pooled DNA samples using PHASE algorithm. Genetics Research (accepted).
- D Gasbarra, M Pirinen, MJ Sillanpää, E Salmela, E Arjas. Estimating genealogies from unlinked marker data: a Bayesian approach. Theoretical Population Biology 72:305-322. (2007).
- D Gasbarra, M Pirinen, MJ Sillanpää, E Arjas. Estimating genealogies from linked marker data: a Bayesian approach. BMC Bioinformatics 8:411- . (2007).
- T Snäll, RB O´Hara, E Arjas. A mathematical and statistical framework for modeling dispersal. Oikos 116:1036-1050. (2007).
- I Herzon, RB O'Hara. Effects of spatial complexity of farmland within different landscape types on farmland bird communities in the Baltic States. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 118:297-306. (2007).
- M Saastamoinen, M Nieminen, S van Nouhuys, RB O'Hara, J Suomi. Development and survival of a specialist herbivore, Melitaea cinxia, on host plants producing high and low concentrations of iridoid glycosides. Annales Zoologici Fennici 44:70-80. (2007).
- C Mutshinda, I Antai, RB O´Hara. A probabilistic approach to exposure risk assessment. Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (in press)
- I Herzon, RB O'Hara. Effects of spatial complexity of farmland within different landscape types on farmland bird communities in the Baltic States. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 118: 297-306. (2007).
- RB O'Hara. Human Expression patterns: Genetic differences between populations. Heredity 98:245-246. (2007).
- Saastamoinen, M., Nieminen, M., van Nouhuys, S., O'Hara, R.B., Suomi, J. Development and survival of a specialist herbivore, Melitaea cinxia, on host plants producing high and low concentrations of iridoid glycosides. Ann. Zool. Fennici 44: 70-80.
- A Kuparinen, FM Schurr. A flexible modelling framework linking the spatio-temporal dynamics of plant genotypes and populations: application to gene flow from transgenic forests. Ecological Modelling 202:476-486.(2007).
- A Kuparinen, F Schurr, O Tackenberg, RB O'Hara. Air-mediated pollen flow from genetically modified to conventional crops -risk assessment with a mechanistic model. Ecological Applications 17:431-440. (2007).
- A Kuparinen, T Snäll, S Vänskä, RB O'Hara. The role of modeling selection in describing stochastic ecological processes. Oikos 116:966-974. (2007).
- A Kuparinen, T Markkanen, H Riikonen, T Vesala. Modeling air-mediated plant diaspore dispersion in forested areas. Ecological Modelling 208:177-188. (2007).
- T Huurre, M Eerola, O Rahkonen, H Aro. Does social support affect the relationship between socio-economic status and depression? A longitudinal study from adolescent until adulthood. Journal of Affective Disorders 100:55-64. (2007).
- M Antila, T Kieseppä, M Eerola, T Partonen, J Lönnqvist, A Tuulio-Henriksson. Cognitive functions in bipolar I disorder patients and their unaffected first-degree relatives. Psycological Medicine 37:679-687. (2007).
- A Kuha, A Tuulio-Henriksson, M Eerola, J Perälä, J Suvisaari, T Partonen, J Lönnqvist. Impaired executive performance of healthy siblings of schizophrenia patients in a population based study. Schizophrenia research 92:142-150 (2007).
- A Ocampo, C Biltoft, M Lucero, RM Ölander, J Ugpo, K Auranen, A Soininen, H Nohynek, H Käyhty. Response and persistence of antibodies to PRP-T and DTwP vaccines with concomitant administration of conjugate vaccines. Vaccine 24:605-611 (2007).
- S Granat, M Zakaria, J Ollgren, E Herva, M Das, L Piirainen, K Auranen, PH Mäkelä. Pneumococcal carriage during the first year of life: a longitudinal study in a semi-rural setting in Bangladesh. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 26:319-324. (2007).
- MJ Sillanpää, F Hoti. Mapping quantitative trait loci from a single tail sample of the phenotype distribution. Genetics 177:2361-2377. (2007).
- A Kassinen, L Krogius-Kurikka, H Mäkivuokko, L Paulin, T Rinttilä, J Corander, E Malinen, J Apajalahti and A Palva.The fecal microbiota of irritable bowel syndrome patients differs significantly from that of healthy subjects. Gastroenterology, 133:24-33.(2007).
- JM Sistonen, AJ Sajantila, O Lao, J Corander, G Barbujani S Fuselli, S. CYP2D6 worldwide genetic variation shows high frequency of altered activity variants and no continental structure. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics: 17:93-101. (2007)
- J Corander, M Gyllenberg, T Koski. Random Partition models and Exchangeability for Bayesian Identification of Population Structure. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 69:797-815. (2007)
- J Corander, J Tang. Bayesian analysis of population structure based on linked molecular information. Mathematical Biosciences, 205:19-31. (2007).
- H Mäki-Petäys, J Corander, J Aalto, T Liukkonen, P Helle, M Orell, M. No genetic evidence of sex-biased effective dispersal in a lekking bird, the capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20:865-873. (2007).
- J Tang, J Tao, H Urakawa, J Corander. T-BAPS: a Bayesian statistical tool for comparison of microbial communities using terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) data. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 6. (2007)
- S Kulathinal, E Arjas. Bayesian inference from case-cohort data with multiple end-points. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 33:25-36. (2006).
- R Gupta, P Auvinen, A Thomas, E Arjas. Bayesian hierarchical model for correcting signal saturation in microarrays using pixel intensities. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, Vol.5, No.1, Article 20. (2006).
- P Sokero, M Eerola, T Melartin, H Rytsälä, P Lestelä-Mielonen, E Isometsä. Decline in suicidal ideation is preceded by decline in depression and hopelessness. Journal of Affective Disorders 95:95-102. (2006).
- K Ahonen, ML Hämäläinen, M Eerola, K Hoppu. A randomised trial of rizatriptan in migraine attacks in children. Neurology 67:1135-1143. (2006).
- J Corander. Is there a real Bayesian revolution in pattern recognition for bioinformatics? Current Bioinformatics 1:161-165. (2006)
- J Corander, P Marttinen. Bayesian model learning based on predictive entropy. Journal of Logic, Language and Information, DOI:10.1007/s10849-005-9004-8. (2006)
- J Corander, M Gyllenberg, T Koski. Bayesian model learning based on a parallel MCMC strategy. Statistics and Computing 16:355-362. (2006)
- D Gasbarra, S Kulathinal, I Dewan, A Nissinen. Testing dependence between the failure time and failure models: An application of enlarged filtration. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 136:1669-1686. (2006).
- D Gasbarra, E Valkeila, L Vostrikova. Enlargement of filtration and additional information in pricing models: A Bayesian approach. pp. 257-285 in: The Shiryaev Festschrift, from Stochastic Calculus to Mathematical Finance. Edited by: Kabanov Liptser and Stoyanov. Springer, Berlin. (2006).
- M Pirinen, D Gasbarra. Finding consistent gene transmission patterns on large and complex pedigrees. IEEE TCBB 3:252-262. (2006).
- D Gasbarra, MJ Sillanpää. Constructing parental linkage phase and genetic map over distances 1cM using pooled haploid DNA. Genetics 172:1325-1335. (2006).
- F Hoti, MJ Sillanpää. Bayesian mapping of genotype x expression interactions in quantitative and qualitative traits. Heredity 97:4-18. (2006).
- MJ Sillanpää, M Bhattacharjee. Association mapping of complex trait loci with context-dependent effects and unknown context variable. Genetics 174:1597-1611. (2006).
- R Syrjänen, E Herva, PH Mäkelä, H Puhakka, K Auranen, AK Takala, T Kilpi. The value of nasopharyngeal culture in predicting the etiology of acute otitis media in children less than two years of age. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 25:1032-1036. (2006).
- H Käyhty, K Auranen, H Nohynek, PH Mäkelä. Nasopharyngeal coloinization: a target for pneumococcal vaccination. Expert Reviews of Vaccines 5:651-667. (2006).
- M Poranen, J Ravantti, A Grahn, R Gupta, P Auvinen, D Bamford. Global changes in cellular gene expression during bacteriophage PRD1 infection. Journal of Virology 80:8081-8088. (2006).
- A Kuparinen. Mechanistic models for wind-dispersal. Trends in Plant Sciences 11:296-301. (2006).
- MS Fred, RB O'Hara, JE Brommer. Consequences of the spatial configuration of resources for the distribution and dynamics of the endangered Parnassius apollo butterfly. Biological Conservation 130:183-192. (2006).
- DJ Golicher, RB O'Hara, L Ruíz-Montoya, L Cayuela. Lifting a veil on diversity: A Bayesian approach to fitting relative abundance models. Ecological Applications 16:202-212. (2006).
- S Lehvävirta, DJ Kotze, J Niemelä, M Mäntysaari, RB O'Hara. Effects of fragmentation and trampling on carabid beetle assemblages in urban woodlands in Helsinki, Finland. Urban Ecosystems 9: 13-26. (2006).
- MS Fred, RB O'Hara, JE Brommer. Consequences of the spatial configuration of resources for the distribution and dynamics of the endangered Parnassius apollo butterfly. Biological Conservation 130:183-192. (2006).
- T Roslin, S Gripenberg, JP Salminen, M Vienola, RB O'Hara, K Pihlaja, P Pulkkinen. Seeing the trees for the leaves - oaks as mosaics for a host-specific moth. Oikos 113:106-120. (2006).
- DJ Golicher, RB O'Hara, L Ruíz-Montoya, L Cayuela. Lifting a veil on diversity: A Bayesian approach to fitting relative abundance models. Ecological Applications 16:202-212. (2006).
- K Matveinen-Huju, J Niemelä, H Rita, RB O'Hara. Retention-tree groups in clear-cuts: do they constitute 'life-boats' for spiders and carabids? Forest Ecology and Management 230:119-135. (2006).
- RB O'Hara. Wholesale analysis of genes, traits and microarrays. Heredity 97:253. (2006).
- RB O'Hara. MS Fowler, CA Johnson. Why negatives should be viewed as positives (Correspondence) Nature 439:782. (2006).
- T Roslin, S Gripenberg, JP Salminen, M Vienola, RB O'Hara, K Pihlaja, P Pulkkinen. Seeing the trees for the leaves - oaks as mosaics for a host-specific moth. Oikos 113:106-120. (2006).
- A Thomas, RB O´Hara, U Ligges, S Sturtz. Making BUGS Open. R News 6:12-17. (2006).
- S Mäntyniemi, A Romakkaniemi, E Arjas. Bayesian removal estimation of a population size under unequal catchability. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62:291-300. (2005).
- D Gasbarra, MJ Sillanpää, E Arjas. Backward simulation of ancestors of sampled individuals. Theoretical Population Biology 67:75-83. (2005).
- V Martinez, G Thorgaard, B Robison, MJ Sillanpää. An application of Bayesian QTL mapping to early development in double haploid lines of rainbow trout including environmental effects. Genetical Research 86:209-221. (2005).
- MJ Sillanpää, M Bhattacharjee. Bayesian association-based fine mapping in small chromosomal segments. Genetics 169:427-439. (2005).
- P Waldmann, MR Garcia-Gi, MJ Sillanpää. Comparing Bayesian estimates of genetic differentiation of molecular markers and quantitative traits: an application to Pinus sylvestris. Heredity 94: 623-629. (2005).
- RB O'Hara. Species richness estimates. How many species can dance on the head of a pin? Journal of Animal Ecology 74:375-386. (2005).
- M Pekkinen, S Varvio, KKM Kulju, H Kärkkäinen, S Smolander, A Viherä-Aarnio, V Koski, MJ Sillanpää. Linkage map of birch, Betula pendula Roth, based on microsatellites and AFLP´s. Genome 48:619-625. (2005).
- A Audzijonyte, J Damgaard, S Varvio, JK Vainio, R Väinölä. Phylogeny of Mysis (Crustacea, Mysida): history of continental invasions inferred from molecular and morphological data. Cladistics 21:575-596 (2005).
- S Kühlmann-Berenzon, J Heikkinen, A Särkkä. An additive edge correction for the influence potential of trees. Biometrical Journal 47:517-526. (2005).
- S Smolander, P Stenberg. Simple parametrizations of the radiation budget of uniform broadleaved and coniferous canopies. Remote Sensing of Environment 94:355-363. (2005).
- M. Eerola, T Huurre, H Aro. The problem of attrition in a Finnish longitudinal survey on depression. European Journal of Epidemiology 20:113-120 (2005)
- WP Hanage, TH Kaijalainen, R Syrjänen, K Auranen, M Leinonen, PH Mäkelä, B Spratt. Invasiveness of serotypes and clones of Streptococcus pneumoniae among children in Finland. Infection and Immunity 73:431-435 (2005).
- R Syrjänen, K Auranen, T Leino, T Kilpi, PH Mäkelä. Pneumococcal acute otitis media in relation to pneumococcal nasopharyngeal carriage. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 24:801-806 (2005).
- DS Schmeller, RB O'Hara, H Kokko. Male Adaptive Stupidity: Male Maring pattern in hypridogenetic waterfrog. Evolutionary Ecology Research 7:1039-1050 (2005).
- RB O'Hara, J Merilä. Bias and precision in QST estimates: problems and some solutions. Genetics 171:1331-1339 (2005).
- RB O´Hara. Comparing the effects of genetic drift and fluctuating selection on genotype frequency changes in the scarlet tiger moth. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London,B 272:211-217. (2005).
- M Saastamoinen, M Nieminen, S van Nouhuys, RB O'Hara, J Suomi. Effects of host plant's defensive chemistry on growth, development and survival of the Glanville fritillary (Melitaea cinxia) larvae. .......
- H Mäki-Petäys, A Zakharov, L Viljakainen, J Corander, P Pamilo. Genetic changes associated to declinig populations of Formica ants in fragmented forest landscape. Molecular Ecology 14: 733-742 (2005).
- I Taskinen, J Heikkinen. A nonparametric Bayesian method for assessing uncertainty in thematic maps of forest variables. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics. .....
- J Ranta, PH Mäkelä, E Arjas. Predicting meningococcal disease outbreaks in structured populations. Statistics in Medicine 23:927-945. (2004).
- E Arjas, J Parner. Causal reasoning from longitudinal data. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 31:171-201. (2004).
- MJ Sillanpää, D Gasbarra, E Arjas. Comment on the "On the Metropolis-Hastings acceptance probability to add or drop a quantitative trait locus in Markov Chain Monte Carlo -based Bayesian analyses. Genetics 167: 1037. (2004).
- M Bhattacharjee, CC Pritchard, PS Nelson, E Arjas. Bayesian integrated functional analysis of microarray data. Bioinformatics 20:2943-2953. (2004).
- GA Churchill et 113 authors, incl. MJ Sillanpää. The Collaborative Cross, a community resource for the genetic analysis of complex traits. Nature Genetics 36:1133-1137. (2004).
- MJ Sillanpää, K Auranen. Replication in genetic studies of complex traits. Annals of Human Genetics 68:646-657. (2004).
- J Corander, P Waldmann, P Marttinen, MJ Sillanpää. BAPS 2: enhanced possibilities for the analysis of the genetic population structure. Bioinformatics 20:2363-2469. (2004).
- KKM Kulju, M Pekkinen, S Varvio. Microsatellite primer pairs for Betula pendula. Molecular Ecology Notes 4:471-473. (2004).
- E Valkeila, D Gasbarra. Initial enlargement: a Bayesian approach. Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 9:26-37. (2004).
- J Karvonen, M Similä, J Haapala, C Haas, M Mäkynen. Comparison of SAR data and operational sea ice products to EM ice thickness measurements in the Baltic Sea. IGARSS´04 (2004).
- J Karvonen, M Similä, M Mäkynen. Open water detection from Baltic Sea ice SAR imagery. IGARSS´04 (2004).
- J Merilä, F Söderman, RB O'Hara, K Räsänen, A Laurila. Local adaptation and genetics of acid-stress tolerance in the moor frog, Rana arvalis. Conservation Genetics, 5:513-527. (2004).
- K Auranen, M Eichner, T Leino, AKT Takala, T Takala, PH Mäkelä. Modelling transmission, immunity and disease of Haemophilus influenzae type b in a structured population. Epidemiology and infection 132:947-957. (2004).
- T Leino, T Takala, K Auranen, PH Mäkelä and AKT Takala. Indirect protection obtained by Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccinations, analysis in a structured population model. Epidemiology and infection 132:959-966 (2004).
- WP Hanage, K Auranen, R Syrjänen, E Herva, PH Mäkelä, T Kilpi, BG Spratt. The ability of pneumococccal serotypes and clones to cause acute otitis media: implications for the prevention of otitis media by conjugate vaccines. Infection and Immunity 72:76-81 (2004).
- Y Zhang, K Auranen, M Eichner. The influence of competition and vaccination on the co-existence of two pneumococcal serotypes. Epidemiology and infection 132:1073-1081. (2004)
- A Ekholm, J Jokinen, JW McDonald, PWF Smith. Joint regression and association modeling of longitudinal ordinal data. Biometrics 59:795-803 (2003).
- T Härkänen, H Hausen, JI Virtanen, E Arjas. A non-parametric frailty model for temporally clustered multivariate failure times. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 30:523-533 (2003).
- M Eerola, D Gasbarra, P Mäkelä, H Linden, A Adreev. Joint modeling of recurrent infections and antibody response by Bayesian data augmentation. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 30:677-698 (2003).
- A Ekholm. Comparing the odds and the dependence ratios. In: R.Höglund, M.Jäntti and G.Rosenqvist (eds.) Statistics, Econometrics and Society: Essays in Honour of Leif Nordberg. Statistics, Finland. Pp. 13-25 (2003).
- E Arjas, M Bhattacharjee. Modelling heterogeneity: Hierarchial Bayesian approach. In: T.A.Mazzuchi, N.D.Singpurwalla and R.Soyer (eds.) Mathematical Reliability: An Expository Perspective pp. 71-86. Kluwer Academic (2003).
- M Bhattacharjee, E Arjas. Bayesian modeling of failure prediction using maintenance information. In: T.Bedford and P.H. van Gelden (eds.) Safety and Reliability, Proceedings of ESREL, pp. 151-155. A.A.Balkema Publishers (2003).
- E Arjas, SA Murphy. Discussion on the paper by Murphy. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 65:355-356 (2003)
- E Arjas. Causality and statistics. Commentary on the chapter "Causal inference using influence diagrams: the problem of partial compliance" by A.P.Dawid. In: P.Green, N.Hjort and S.Richardson (eds.) Highly Structured Stochastic Systems. Oxford University Press.(2003).
- R Mäkipää, J Heikkinen. Large-scale changes in abundance of terricolous bryophtes and macrolichens in Finland. Journal of Vegetation Science 14:497-508 (2003).
- J Heikkinen. Trans-dimensional Bayesian non-parametrics with spatial point processes. In: S.Richardson, P.J.Green, N.L.Hjort (eds.) Highly structured stochastic systems, pp. 203-206. Oxford University Press (2003).
- S Smolander, P Stenberg. A method to account for shoot scale clumping in coniferous canopy reflectance models. Remote Sensing of Environment 88:363-373 (2003).
- J Karvonen, M Similä, I Heiler. Ice thickness estimation using SAR data and ice thickness history. IGARSS´03 (2003).
- MF Antolin, PJ Ode, GE Heimpel, RB O'Hara, MR Strand. Mating system, population genetics, and sex allele diversity of the parasatoid Bracon hebetor. Heredity 91:373-381. (2003).
- S Pakkasmaa, J Merilä, RB O'Hara. Genetic and maternal effect influences on viability of common frog tadpoles under different environmental conditions. Heredity 91:117-124. (2003).
- M Dreschler, K Frank, I Hanski, RB O'Hara, CWissel. Ranking metapopulation extinction risk for conservation: from patterns in data to management decisions. Ecological Applications 13:990-998. (2003).
- DJ Kotze, J Niemelä, RB O'Hara, H Turin. Testing abundance-range size relationships in European carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Ecography 26:553-566 (2003).
- DJ Kotze, RB O'Hara. Species decline - but why? Explanations of carabid beetle (Coleoptera, Carabidae) declines in Europe. Oecologia 135:138-148. (2003).
- M Straetemans, A Palmu, K Auranen, J Ollgren, GA Zielhuis, T Kilpi. The effect of Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on the risk of OME at 7 and 24 months of age. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 67:1235-1242 (2003).
- K Auranen. Towards Bayesian inference in epidemic models: A discussion to "Threshold parameters for epidemics in heterogeneous environments" by Niels Becker. In: P Green, N Hjort and S Richardson (eds.) Highly Structured Stochastic Systems. Oxford University Press (2003).
- M Bhattacharjee, C Pritchard, MJ Sillanpää, E Arjas. Bayesian characterization of natural variation in gene expression. In: KF Johnson and SM Lin (eds.) Methods of Microarray Data Analysis III, Proccedings of the CAMDA02 Conference, pp. 155-172. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston (2003).
- J Corander, P Waldmann, MJ Sillanpää. Bayesian analysis of genetic differentiation between populations. Genetics 163:367-374 (2003).
- JU Palo, RB O'Hara, AT Laugen, A Laurila, CR Primmer, J Merilä. Latitudinal divergence of common frog (Rana temporaria) life history traits by natural selection: evidence from a comparison of molecular and quantitative genetic data. Molecular Ecology 12:1963-1978 (2003).
- R Kilpikari, MJ Sillanpää. Bayesian analysis of multilocus association in quantitative and qualitative traits. Genetic Epidemiology 25:122-135. (2003).
- E Arjas. Predictive inference and discontinuities. Nonparametric Statistics 14:31-42. (2002).
- E Arjas. Contribution (invited) to the discussion on the paper Statistical issues in fisheries' stock assessment by S. Gavaris and J. N. Ianelli. Scandinavian J. of Statistics 29:268-269. (2002).
- M Bhattacharjee, E Arjas, U Pulkkinen. Modelling heterogeneity in nuclear power plant valve failure data. In: Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Reliability (B.H.Lindqvist, K. A.Doksum, Eds.) World Scientific (2002), 341-353.
- J Corander, MJ Sillanpää. A unified approach to joint modeling of multiple quantitative and qualitative traits in gene mapping. Journal of Theoretical Biology 218:435-446. (2002)
- A Ekholm, J Jokinen, T Kilpi. Combining regression and association modelling for longitudinal data on bacterial carriage. Statistics in Medicine 21:773-791. (2002)
- FJ Hoti, MJ Sillanpää, L Holmström. A note on estimating the posterior density of qualitative trait locus from a Markov chain Monte Carlo sample. Genetic Epidemiology 22:369-376. (2002)
- T Härkänen, MA Larmas, JI Virtanen, E Arjas. Applying modern survival analysis methods to longitudinal dental caries studies. Journal of Dental Research 81:144-148. (2002).
- SB Kulathinal, D Gasbarra. Testing equality of cause-specific hazard rates corresponding to m competing risks among k groups. Lifetime Data Analysis 8:147-161. (2002)
- K Kuulasmaa, SB Kulathinal, D Gasbarra. Estimation of an errors-in-variables regression model when the variances of the measurement errors vary between the observations. Statistics in Medicine 21:1089-1101. (2002)
- T Leino, K Auranen, PH Mäkelä, H Käyhty, M Ramsay, M Slack, AK Takala. Haemophilus influenzae type b and cross-reactive antigens in natural Hib infection dynamics; modelling in two populations. Epidemiology and Infection 129:73-83. (2002)
- S Mäntyniemi, A Romakkaniemi. Bayesian mark-recapture estimation with an application to a salmonid smolt population. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59:1748-1758. (2002)
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- J Pitkäniemi, P Onkamo, E Arjas, E Tuomilehto-Wolf, J Tuomilehto. Estimation of transmission probabilities in families ascertained trough a proband with variable age-at-onset disease: application to the HLA A, B and DR loci in Finnish families with type 1 diabetes. Human Heredity 50: 308-317. (2000).
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