Selected publications of Kari Auranen
Last modified by tvikberg@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/14 06:58
Selected publications of Kari Auranen
- Auranen K, Ranta J, Takala AKT., Arjas E, `A statistical model of transmission of Hib bacteria in a family', Statistics in Medicine, 15, 2235-2252, 1996.
- Auranen K, Eichner M, Käyhty H, Takala AKT., Arjas E, `A hierarchical Bayesian model to predict the duration of immunity to Hib', Biometrics, 55, 1306-1313, 1999.
- Auranen K, `On Bayesian modelling of recurrent infections', Ph.D. thesis, Rolf Nevanlinna Institute Research Reports A26, July 1999.
- Auranen K, `Backcalculating the age-specific incidence rate of recurrent subclinical Haemophilus influenzae type b infection', Statistics in Medicine, 19, 281-296, 2000.
- Leino T, Auranen K, Mäkelä PH, Käyhty H, Takala AKT, `Dynamics of natural immunity caused by subclinical infections, case study on Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)', Epidemiology and Infection, 125, 583-591,2000.
- Auranen K, Arjas E, Leino T, Takala AKT, `Transmission of pneumococcal carriage in families: a latent Markov process model for binary data', Journal of the American Statistical Association, 95, No. 452, 1044-1053, 2000.
- Leino T, Auranen K, Jokinen J, Leinonen M, Tervonen P, and Takala AKT, `Pneumococcal carriage in children during their first two years; important role of family exposure', The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 20, 1024-1029, 2001.
- Puumalainen T, Zeta-Capeding MR, Käyhty H, Lucero MG, Auranen K, Leroy O, Nohynek H, `Antibody response to an elevenvalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in Filipino infants', The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 21, 309-314, 2002.
- Leino T, Auranen K, Mäkelä PH, Käyhty H, Ramsay M, Slack M, and Takala AKT, `Haemophilus influenzae type b and cross-reactive antigens in natural Hib infection dynamics; modelling in two populations', Epidemiology and Infection, 129, 73-83, 2002.
- Mäkelä PH, Käyhty H, Leino T, Auranen K, Peltola H, Lindholm N, Eskola J, `Long term persistance of immunity after immunisation with Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine', Vaccine, 22, 287-292, 2003.
- Auranen K, `Towards Bayesian inference in epidemic models', A discussion to `Threshold parameters for Epidemics in Heterogeneous Environments' by Niels Becker in Highly Structured Stochastic Systems, Eds. Green P., Hjort N., and Richardson S., Oxford University Press, 2003.
- Straetemans M., Palmu A, Auranen K., Ollgren J., Zielhuis GA, Kilpi T, `The effect of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on the risk of OME at 7 and 24 months of age', International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 67, 1235-1242, 2003.
- Hanage WP, Auranen K, Syrjänen R, Herva E, Mäkelä PH, Kilpi T, Spratt BG, `The ability of pneumococccal serotypes and clones to cause acute otitis media: implications for the prevention of otitis media by conjugate vaccines', Infection and Immunity, 72, 76-81, 2004.
- Auranen K, Eichner M, Leino T, Takala AKT, Mäkelä PH, Takala T, `Modelling transmission, immunity and disease of Haemophilus influenzae type b in a structured population', Epidemiology and Infection, 132, 947-957, 2004.
- Leino T, Takala T, Auranen K, Mäkelä PH, Takala AKT, `Indirect protection obtained by Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccinations, analysis in a structured population model', Epidemiology and Infection, 132, 959-966, 2004.
- Sillanpää M, Auranen K, 'Replication in genetic studies of complex diseases', Annals of Human Genetics, 68, 646-657, 2004.
- Zhang Y, Auranen K, Eichner M, 'The influence of competition and vaccination on the co-existence of two pneumococcal serotypes', Epidemiology and Infection 2004.
- Syrjänen R, Auranen K, Leino T, Kilpi T, Mäkelä PH, 'Pneumococcal acute otitis media in relation to pneumococcal nasopharyngeal carriage', Pediatr Infect Dis J 2005, 24, 801-806, 2005.