TSM measurement

Last modified by Xwiki VePa on 2024/02/07 07:36

Step-by-step guide

Preparing the filters

  1. Pre-combust glass-fibre filters (Whatman GF/F or similar), 4 h at 450°C.
  2. Let filters cool down to room temperature in a desiccator.
  3. Place filters to individually labeled small containers, e.g. plastic petri dishes.
  4. Weigh each filter using the microscale in the scale room, and write down the weight of each filter.

Filtering the samples

  1. Filter desired volume of sample water.
    1. Note: you want as much material onto the filter as possible.
  2. Place filter into labeled petri dish.
  3. Store filters frozen (-20°C) until analysis.

Drying and weighing the filters

  1. Place petri dishes containing the filters in a drying oven, with lid cracked open a bit.
  2. Let filters dry overnight (12-24 h) at 60°C.
  3. Let filters cool down to room temperature in a desiccator.
  4. Weigh each filter using the microscale in the scale room, and write down the weights.
  5. Store dried filters in room temperature until results are checked for quality.

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