What to do when you wish to graduate?

Last modified by Elina Palmgren on 2024/02/29 13:55


These pages are not "official". If any information here contradicts information provided by official channels, such as the Instructions for Students, the official information is the one to follow.

Once you have completed all the studies required for your degree, including Master’s thesis (TCM350), maturity test (TCM399) and seminar (TCM307), you need to apply for module content approval in Sisu.

Before submitting the applications, make sure that your Sisu study plan complies with the TCM degree structure.

Make also sure that all the studies you have completed as well as their grades appear correctly in your study plan. If you notice missing or erroneous information in your Sisu study plan, please contact Student Services. 

For instructions on how to write your thesis and complete the seminar, check the instructions under What to do when you start your thesis? and the Instructions for Students.

Instructions for requesting approval for study modules can be found here.

Once the study modules have been approved in Sisu, you can submit a graduation request. See the detailed instructions for submitting the request in Instructions for students.​