What to do when you start your thesis?

Last modified by Elina Palmgren on 2024/04/26 12:57


These pages are not "official". If any information here contradicts information provided by official channels, such as the Instructions for Students, the official information is the one to follow.

Meanwhile, check the following items:

  1.  To plan your thesis, please follow the Instructions for Students (select TCM as the degree programme, and then navigate to "Thesis Instructions in Your Degree Programme"). In particular, there is a form which should be filled in with your thesis supervisor and sent to the e-mail address mentioned on the web page. Updates of the form are necessary only if the original schedule will be greatly altered.
  2.  At the same time, you need to agree with your thesis supervisor about how to complete the credits for the TCM Seminar (5cr).  

Alternatives for completing TCM307 Seminar (5 cr)

Together with your main thesis supervisor and the teacher resposible for the TCM-seminar, you need to choose from one of the following alternatives:

  1. It is possible to take part in any one of the Seminar courses arranged by other degree programmes listed below, and the marks in SISU will replace TCM307. In addition, there are planned some joint meetings for TCM students only: participating in at least one of them is highly recommended, and they will count towards obligatory attendance for the other seminar courses, as explained below.

    MAST30001 Master's thesis seminar – In most cases, participation in common TCM307 seminar meetings counts towards attendance criteria of the MAST seminar. Contact the organizer of the MAST seminar to arrange the details.
    PAP301 Seminar in Particle Physics and Astrophysical Sciences
    MATR364 Seminar in Materials Research
    ATM345 Atmospheric Science Seminar for Master's students – Starting from the academic year 2019-2020, participation in a common TCM307 seminar meeting replaces participation in an ATM seminar meeting, but there can be at most two such replacements. Otherwise, ATM seminar requirements apply.

    In particular, the format of the MAST30001 seminar focuses more on general writing work than on mathematics, and might be appropriate for other thesis topics, as well.

  2. To allow for longer research focused thesis topics, it is also possible to agree that most of the seminar credits are used for compensating extra work which goes over the 30 cr awarded from the thesis. In such cases, some seminar presentation is still required but it could take place, for example, in an appropriate research group seminar.

  3. Variations of the above two options are also possible, in particular, if the thesis work is done in a company or abroad.