CECAM-Aalto workshop Hvittorp 30.-31.8.2016

Last modified by hvehkama@helsinki_fi on 2024/01/24 07:16



Selected experimentalists and Computational aerosol physics group members brainstorm aim to find  the most fruitful way ahead in understanding what is going on when we measure the smallest clusters using mass spectrometric techniques and condensation particle counters.


Preliminary schedule:

Tuesday 30.8.

8:00-9:00              Arrival and breakfast

9:00                        1st session

        • Hanna  Vehkamäki 30 mins "Overview of the goals of  ERC project DAMOCLES"

        • Coty Jen 15 mins "Uncertainties in CIMS and SMPS measurements of clusters"
        • Tuomo  Ponkkonen 10 mins “Equilibrium constants in electric field K(T,E)”

        • Antti Puisto 20 mins "Modeling particulate suspensions"

12:00                     Lunch

13:00                     2nd session

        • Monica  Passananti 10 mins “Reactivity of cloud water. Heterogeneous chemistry of organic surface.”
        • Theo Kurtén 25 mins "Quantum Chemistry & molecular clusters: the easy, the difficult and the (almost) impossible”
        • Olli Pakarinen  10+ mins “Modelling the role of surface structure in heterogeneous nucleation of ice”

14:30                     Coffee break

15:00                     3rd session

        • Juha  Kangasluoma 15 mins “Ion-ion recombination, heterogeneous nucleation and cluster synthesis”,
        • Evgeni Zapadinsky  15 mins “Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Collision of Complex Molecules”,

17:00                     Dinner

18:00                     Free time

19:30                     Evening snack

20:00-22:00         Sauna and swimming

Wednesday 31.8.

8:00                        Breakfast

9:00                        4th session

        • Noora Hyttinen 10 mins “Computational comparison of nitrate- and acetate-based chemical ionization”
        • Matti  Rissanen 30 mins "Detecting clusters or molecules?"

        • Jonas Elm 15 mins "Strong Hydrogen Bonded Molecular Interactions between Atmospheric Diamines and Sulfuric Acid"
        • Siddharth Iyer  10 mins “Detection of HO2 radical and cyclohexene oxidation products using iodide-based chemical ionization mass spectrometer”
        • Martta Toivola  15 mins “Can CosmoTherm predict Salting in”

12:00                     Lunch

13:00                     Visit to Hvitträsk

14:30                     Coffee break

15:00                     Final session ?

16:00                     Departure




*Hanna Vehkamäki, University of Helsinki - "Overview of the goals of  ERC project DAMOCLES" 30 mins

*Jonas Elm, University of Helsinki - "Strong Hydrogen Bonded Molecular Interactions between Atmospheric Diamines and Sulfuric Acid", 15 min

*Roope Halonen, University of Helsinki - "A Comprehensive Study of the Most Crucial Hypothesis in Nucleation Theory”, 15 min

*Noora Hyttinen, University of Helsinki - “Computational comparison of nitrate- and acetate-based chemical ionization”, 10 min

*Siddharth Iyer, University of Helsinki - “Detection of HO2 radical and cyclohexene oxidation products using iodide-based chemical ionization mass spectrometer”, 10 min

*Coty Jen, University of California, Berkeley - "Uncertainties in CIMS and SMPS measurements of clusters", 15 min

*Juha Kangasluoma, University of Helsinki - “Ion-ion recombination, heterogeneous nucleation and cluster synthesis”, 15 min ?

*Theo Kurtén, University of Helsinki - "Quantum Chemistry & molecular clusters: the easy, the difficult and the (almost) impossible”, 25 min

*Olli Pakarinen, University of Helsinki - “Modelling the role of surface structure in heterogeneous nucleation of ice”, 10 min

*Monica Passananti, University of Helsinki - “Reactivity of cloud water. Heterogeneous chemistry of organic surface.”, 10 min

*Tuomo Ponkkonen, University of Helsinki - “Equilibrium constants in electric field K(T,E)”, 10 min

*Matti Rissanen, University of Helsinki-"Detecting clusters or molecules?" 10min

*Martta Toivola, University of Helsinki - “Can CosmoTherm predict Salting in”, 15 min

*Evgeni Zapadinsky, University of Helsinki - “Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Collision of Complex Molecules”, 15 min

*Antti Puisto, Aalto University - "Modeling particulate suspensions" 20 min

(Joel Thornton, University of Washington in Seattle (via Skype) ???)