3.x Local development
Last modified by aulembin@helsinki_fi on 2025/02/04 07:02
If for som ereason you wish to run OpenShift locally for development and light testing, it is possible using the Codeready Containers software. You will need a RedHat account (for retrieving the pull secret for OpenShift container Images).
Codeready Containers is software similar to minikube, which will start a single virtual machine and a stripped single Node OpenShift environment. The software will additionally change your network setting (among other things DNS) in such a way that all names *.crc.testing will be forwarded to the virtual machines IP address.
The recommended contact for questions is:
https://helsinkifi.slack.com #kontit
All changes related to resources for the project/namespace should be emailed to:
grp-openshift-owner@helsinki.fi (platform administration and development)tike-ohjelmistotuotanto@helsinki.fi (program development)