Tike container platform
University of Helsinki(henceforth UoH or university) has a centralized, shared container platform, Red Hat OpenShift. There are two shared clusters, testing and production. Each project gains access to both clusters.
Using the container platform requires registering the project to platform support. All project members belonging to the IAM-group receive login access to OpenShift and gain admin privileges for the project.
Information Production: https://console-openshift-console.apps.ocp-prod-0.k8s.it.helsinki.fi/ Testing:: https://console-openshift-console.apps.ocp-test-0.k8s.it.helsinki.fi/
Oc client:
UoH offers an Image repository on https://quay.io/
In addtition, OpenShift can build images inside an internal image repository.
OpenShift client
Programs running in OpenShift can be accessed with the OpenShift client: https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.12/cli_reference/openshift_cli/getting-started-cli.html
Download the client from: https://mirror.openshift.com/pub/openshift-v4/clients/ocp/latest/ (choose client for your operating system, the installer won't help you)
Place the program binary oc in your path, so that your terminal client can find it.
(echo $PATH command).
-- make sure you are in the university internal/perimeter network, for example helsinki-fi-only VPN
Logging in after installing the oc client:
After this the client will connect to the right OpenShift. Login using the username that is part of the iam-group used when ordering the project.
Oc terminal client is an expanded version of Kubernetes' kubectl -client. All kubectl function should work 'as is' if you change kubectl → oc.
The package downloaded from Red Hat's url actually contains both the kubectl and oc binaries. In actuality they are both the same program, but after testing it seems like when launching with kubectl the terminal client tries to behave as original kubectl and oc specific functions no longer work.
In addition to OpenShift client, there are other terminal programs,
of these, the OpenShift web-console recommends using Helm or odo.
General instructions for developers: 3 - Instructions
OpenShift documentation:
- https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/
- The documentation for 3.X is partially applicable: https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/3.11/welcome/index.html.
- The documentation for Kubernetes can also be applied to OpenShift: https://kubernetes.io/docs/home/ , make sure to look at the correct version of Kubernetes.
After logging inside the oc client in your terminal you can check the underlying Kubernetes version in OpenShift with the command:
Information The recommended contact for questions is: https://helsinkifi.slack.com #kontit All changes related to resources for the project/namespace should be emailed to: grp-openshift-owner@helsinki.fi (platform administration and development)tike-ohjelmistotuotanto@helsinki.fi (program development)