This site is designed to be a continuously evolving, dynamic, and communal collection of guidelines for the University of Helsinki's DevOps community.
The site is accessible on the Internet, and currently, all UH employees have the rights to edit. Additional permissions can be granted as needed.
The site name "SO" is derived from the former wiki "Sovelluskehittäjän ohjeet," which translates to "Application Developer Instructions." The site also encompasses numerous guidelines for to the operational aspects of DevOps.
The "by community, for community" approach is encouraged. Users are invited to add examples, update content, and introduce new topics as necessary.
Some information may become outdated; if you encounter such content, please update it or at least flag it as outdated. Certain sections are more current, as service administrators maintain their public instructions here.
Wiki guidelines and content are loosely managed by the following groups:
- TIKE Software Production (TIKE Ohjelmistotuotanto)
- TIKE Application Development Reference Architecture Design Group (Sovelluskehityksen viitearkkitehtuurin suunnitteluryhmä, SKVA).
Contact and Development Proposals
- #digihub #digihub_tech
- Teams: Sovelluskehityksen viitearkkitehtuurin suunnitteluryhmä
- Email: and
"Sovelluskehittäjän ohjeet" section contains older content in Finnish. It is gradually being replaced with updated content in English. For the latest content, please refer to the navigation sidebar.