Instructions for the Helsinki station

Last modified by Xwiki VePa on 2025/01/08 07:22

Instructions for Helsinki STATION

 The keys for the station are in the key box in room Physicum Bxxx. Key ring is red. It has two keys, one for the gate and one for the station door. To get to the Physicum roof or to the 5th floor, you need permissions to your key card. If you don't have, find out, who has.

Remember to check that the station temperatures are OK. Both instrument and pump room has a air conditioning device. Instrument room temperature should be between 15-30 °C and pump room temperature should be between 15-35 °C. If they fail, you can leave the doors open a crack (don't let the doors to be freely/fully open; the door to the instrument room shouldn't be left open at all during weekend/evening/night and the gate must be closed always when the station is unmanned), shut down largest heat sources like big pumps if having the doors open doesn't help and call service immediately (service company's name is Kylmäviisikko Oy, tel. 0105043465). You can check the room temperatures on web page Helsinki status. Emails are sent to certain people, if temperatures are out of range.

Check that all the pumps are not making extra noise. The pumps are marked. 

Check that the compressor on the floor works in an ON/OFF sequence. The ON period should last max. < 1min and the OFF period should last longer than the ON perieod. Check that its automatic timer-based condensed water emptying function is operating. 

On the floor, in front of the compressor, there is a refrigerating dryer (SMC IDFA4E). Check that its temperature is a few °C and that its automatic timer-based condensed water emptying function is operating.

Check that the automatic emptying system for condensed water of the compressed air system (compressor tank and the air water separator SMC AMG & particle filter SMC AFF) is working. The condensed/separated water in the water bowls should be kept automatically below the max. level with the yellow Kaeser device on the wall. The Kaeser device on the floor is for emptying the pressure vessel of the compressor. There is also the TEST -button on the Kaeser devices. You can press the button for a moment and check that it works. The condensed water will come out from the inlet tubes in the right corner of the station. Detailed instructions for the compressed air system are in document Mittausten kuvaus sekä ohjeet - epäorgaaniset kaasut, meteorologia ja mikrometeorologia (in Finnish) or child page 'Mittausten kuvaus sekä ohjeet - ...'.

On the pump room's left wall there is SMC IDG5 - dryer and filters (see-through cups) before the dryer. If there is water in the cups, open the screws in the bottom of the cups and let the water come out.

If something goes wrong, inform also FMI:

in case of FMI aerosol instruments: Minna Aurela (gsm. 050 5673003).

in case of FMI gas analysers: Matti Monto (gsm. 050 3641242), Timo Anttila (FMI tel. 029 539 1000)

The station's Elog-based web diary has a link in the web browser of the station's measurement computer.
Press the "plain" button in the diary page to see the html-formatted text input field. Username is mittaaja and the pw is the traditional one used in the Kumpula lab systems. At the station computer desktop there is a link to a document how to start the programs (ohjelmien kaynnistaminen.txt) and links to all the programs in use. All the measurement programs will start automatically, when the computer i restarted. 


Trace gases, meteorology and micrometeorology

Trace gases

Check that the program 'gas_rslog' is running. 

Check that the program 'Masto:gas' is running and the values and pressures look reasonable here:

Gas data


Check that the program is running (masto:temp.rad, c\data\nokw\nokeval.bat). At the Physicum roof there is a Vaisala weather station, OTT Pluvio rain gauge, visibility meter and present weather sensor. Computer collecting the data is 5th floor, one program for each instrument (ott_log2, pwd123, visib123 and milos123). Processes look like this with ps  -ef  -command

mittaaja 2317 1 0 09:39 ? 00:00:00 ./ott_log2 /dev/ttyM1 240mittaaja 2320 1 0 09:39 ? 00:00:00 ./pwd123 /dev/ttyM2 ph .pw2mittaaja 2321 1 0 09:39 ? 00:00:00 ./visib123 /dev/ttyM3 ph .vs2mittaaja 2324 1 0 09:39 ? 00:00:00 ./milos123 /dev/ttyM0 ph .wth WI TOT PTProcesses are started by crond. Each directory has a check* -script and start* -script. Crond runs every minute the check* script to check, if the program is running. If not, it runs the start* -script. If you like the quit the program,  disable the crond -line with command crontab -e, and then kill the program with command kill -9 pid_number. Process pid number you see with  ps -ef command (like 2371 for the ott program).  Uncomment the line from crontab after you like to restart the program. crond then starts the program in the beginning of next minute. Computer has a terminal program msterm. You can reach the computer physically from the 5th floor or with ssh mittaaja@ (for example Putty) from the lab network.

Check that the rain gauge has some water in it and that it is not totally full. If it is too full, take some water out and if it is too empty add some water. During the winter, salt is needed to keep the water in liquid form inside the gauge.  You can see the percentage full value from the online data. Clean the visibility instrument and PWD windows. Clean the sun radiation instruments close to the weather station (not sure if they are in working condition). 

Met data


Check that the three programs ('EMETEK', 'enc_licor' and 'eddy mcpc') are running and producing data:

Eddy LiCor data

Eddy CPC data

Micromet pages

Links to the programs at the desktop. Licor pressure should not be lower than 800 hPa and CO2 and H20 concentrations should be reasonable. LiCor status values should be one. Temperature should follow outdoor temperatures. Head pressure should be slightly negative (flow is on). LiCor flow meter is on the right side of the gas rack and should show around 12LPM. LiCor status data is collected by the file transfer program version 1.02 and need to be started manually, when the computer has been restarted.

(Responsible person: Leena Järvi (gsm +358 50 3110371)