Hyytiälä database

Last modified by pkeronen@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/07 06:33

Tables in the new database

HYY_META: meteorological, gas concentration and soil data

HYY_EDDY233: the primary flux data measured in the mast / tall tower at 23 m height

HYY_EDDYTOW: secondary flux data from radiation tower

HYY_EDDYSUB: subcanopy fluxes

HYY_TREE: tree gas exchange, sapflow, diameter change, fluorescence

HYY_DMPS: particles

HYY_SLOW: infrequent measurements (e.g. snow depth, dendrometers)

How to  access the databaseSMEAR database  

The symbols used in the database

Directly copied from the text files, slightly out of date ... emoticon_wink

Mast data

time            YYYYMMDDHHMMSS (beginning of averaging period, UTC+2)
 Td            dew point in C-units
 Pamb             air pressure in hPa
 T             air temperature in C
 WSU            wind speed in m/s measured with ultrasonic anemometer
 WS             wind speed in m/s measured with cup anemometer
 WD             wind direction (average of above-tree-top levels) in degrees measured with wind vane/ultrasonic anemometer
 WDU             wind direction in degrees measured with ultrasonic anemometer
 NO             nitrogen monoxide concentration in ppb-units
 NOx             nitrogen monoxide + nitrogen dioxide concentration in ppb-units
 O3             ozone concentration in ppb-units
 SO2            sulphur dioxide concentration in ppb-units
 H2O            water vapour concentration in ppth-units (part per thousand)
 CO2            carbon dioxide concentration in ppm-units
 H2S            hydrogen sulphide concentrations in ppb-units
 RHURAS            relative humidity in % calculated using H2O conc. and T data
 CO            carbon monoxide concentration in ppb-units
 RHTd            relative humidity in % calculated using dew point data and T data
 PTG            potential temperature gradient in C/m

740 measurement level 74.0 m above Mast base
 672 measurement level 67.2 m above Mast base
 504 measurement level 50.4 m above Mast base
 336 measurement level 33.6 m above Mast base
 168 measurement level 16.8 m above Mast base
 84  measurement level 8.4  m above Mast base
 42  measurement level 4.2  m above Mast base

23  measurement level 23   m above Mast base
 0   measurement level 0    m above Mast base

Mast base is slightly above the surrounding terrain.

Code -999 is used to indicate missing data.

The values of the variables are calculated 1-minute averages. Of the measurement levels
 4.2 m and 8.4 m level represent under-tree-top layer, 16.8 m level is the first above-tree-top layer
 and 67.2 m/74.0 m level is often above the surface layer at the measurement site.

Wind direction (WD) is measured with wind vane (W200P, Vector Instruments, Rhyl, Clwyd, UK) (threshold 0.6 m/s) until 20030904 and
 with ultrasonic anemometer (Ultrasonic anemometer 2D, Adolf Thies GmbH, Göttingen, Germany) beginning 20030905.

Wind speed (WS) is measured with cup anemometer (A101M/L, Vector Instruments, Rhyl, Clwyd, UK) (threshold 0.15 m/s) until 20030904 and
 with ultrasonic anemometer (Ultrasonic anemometer 2D, Adolf Thies GmbH, Göttingen, Germany) beginning 20030905. At level
 33.6 m wind speed is measured also with cup anemometer even after 20030904.

Temperature (T) is measured with PT-100 resistance thermometers, which are protected from solar radiation and ventilated by fans.

Air pressure (Pamb) is measured from inside the measurement building with a barometer (DPI260, Druck, Leicester, UK).

Dew point (Td) is measured with a chilled mirror sensor (M4 Dew point monitor, General Eastern, Woburn, MA, USA).

NO and NOx (NO + NO2) concentrations are measured with one chemiluminescence analyser (TEI 42C TL, Thermo Environmental, Franklin, MA, USA).
 NO2-concentration can be calculated as difference (NOx-NO). Note! Between 1.1.1996 - 27.2.2007 a molybdenum converter was used to convert
 NO2 --> NO. This method also converts other reactive nitrogen oxide species (e.g. PAN) to NO and thus the NOx signal should
 be considered as an upper estimate for NO+NO2 concentration. Starting 1.3.2007 an NO2 specific photolytic converter
 (Blue Light Converter, Droplet Measurement Technologies, Boulder, CO, USA) was taken into use removing this interference
 from the NOx signal.

O3 concentration is measured with one ultraviolet light absorption analyser (TEI 49C, Thermo Environmental, Franklin, MA, USA).

H2O concentration is measured with one infrared light absorption analyser (URAS 4 H2O, Hartmann & Braun, Frankfurt am Main, Germany).

RHURAS at a given measurement level is calculated as the ratio between the measured H2O concentration (converted to vapour
 pressure) and the saturation vapour pressure calculated from the measured air temperature.

SO2 concentration is measured with one fluorescence analyser (TEI 43C TL, Thermo Environmental, Franklin, MA, USA).

H2S concentration is measured with one fluorescence analyser (TEI 43 BS, Thermo Environmental, Franklin, MA, USA) and a thermal oxidizer
 (CDN-101, CdNova, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.

CO2 concentration is measured with one infrared light absorption analyser (URAS 4 CO2, Hartmann & Braun, Frankfurt am Main, Germany).

CO concentration is measured with one infrared ligth absorption analyser (HORIBA APMA 360, Horiba, Kyoto, Japan).

RHTd23 is calculated from the measured dew point temperature and the average of 16.8 m & 33.6 m air temperatures.

PTG is calculated from 67.2 m and 16.8 m air temperature and H2O concentration data

Radiation and precipitation

time        YYYYMMDDHHMMSS (beginning of averaging period, UTC+2)
 UV-A           ultraviolet radiation in wavelength range 0.32 - 0.40 um in units W/m2
 UV-B           ultraviolet radiation in wavelength range 0.28 - 0.32 um in units W/m2
 diffPAR        diffuse photosynthetically active radiation (wavelength range 400-700 nm) in units umol/(m2s)
 diffGlob    diffuse solar radiation in wavelength range 0.30 - 4.8 um in units W/m2
Net            net radiation in wavelength range 0.30 - 40 um in units W/m2 (+ sign means ground gains heat)
 RGlob          reflected solar radiation in wavelength range 0.30 - 4.8 um in units W/m2
 Glob           solar radiation in wavelength range 0.30 - 4.8 um in units W/m2
 RPAR           reflected photosynthetically active radiation (wavelength range 400-700 nm) in units umol/(m2s)
 PAR            photosynthetically active radiation (wavelength range 400-700 nm) in units umol/(m2s)
                (i.e. 1 umol of photons = 6.02*10^17 photons); duplicate instrument to PAR2
canIR        out-going far-infrared radiation emitted by canopy and ground surface in units W/m2
 PAR2        photosynthetically active radiation (wavelength range 400-700 nm) in units umol/(m2s)
                (i.e. 1 umol of photons = 6.02*10^17 photons); duplicate instrument to PAR
 LWin        incoming far-infrared radiation in units W/m2
 LWout        out-going far-infrared radiation in units W/m2
 PRI        Photochemical reflectance index (dimensionless)
 NDVI        Normalised difference vegetation index (dimensionless)
 bNDVI        "broadband NDVI" calculated from incident and reflected global radiation and PAR (dimensionless)
 maaPAR        PAR at 0.6 m height above the forest floor (east of REA cottage) in units umol/(m2s)
 maaNet        Net radiation at 0.6 m height above the forest floor (east of REA cottage) in units umol/(m2s)
 canPAR1        PAR at 0.6 m height above the forest floor (west of REA cottage) in units umol/(m2s)
 canPAR2        PAR at 0.6 m height above the forest floor (halfway between main cottage and REA cottage) in units umol/(m2s)
 canPAR3        PAR at 0.6 m height above the forest floor (north of tree tower) in units umol/(m2s)
 Precip        amount of rainfall in units mm
 SWS        rain indicator signal in units mV

UV-A, UV-B, diffPAR, diffGlob, Glob, PAR, PAR2, Precip and SWS  are measured above the forest at 18 m height.
 Net, RGlob, RPAR, canIR is measured at 70 m height in the Mast.

Glob, Net and PAR are measured as the total (global) radiation, i.e. sum of direct and
 diffuse radiation. Starting 1.1.2006 Glob signal is corrected due to sun elevation angle (i.e. cosine correction).
 Between 1.1.1996 - 31.12.2005 Glob signal is not corrected due to sun elevation angle.
 Net and PAR signals are not corrected due to sun elevation angle.

UV-A and UV-B are measured as the total (global) radiation, i.e. sum of direct and
 diffuse radiation. A correction to the signals due to sun elevation angle (i.e. cosine correction)
 is performed.

diffGlob is measured using a shadow ring to prevent direct light from reaching the sensor.

Precipitation reading valid only for rainfall. During sleet and snow fall the reading is suspicious, i.e. for
 temperatures < 0 or even near +0 are not reliable.

SWS signal > ca. 915 mV means dry sensor surface. When water deposits on the surface the signal decreases
 gradually going down below 400 mV with totally wet surface. The sensor is slightly heated to speed up
 the drying of the surface after rain.

 UV-A        SL 501A UVA pyranometer (Solar Light, Philadelphia, PA, USA)
 UV-B        SL 501A UVB pyranometer (Solar Light, Philadelphia, PA, USA)
 Glob        Reemann TP 3 pyranometer (Astrodata, Tõravere, Tartumaa, Estonia) until 15th June 2008 and
         Middleton Solar SK08 First Class Pyranometer (Middleton Solar, Yarraville, Australia) since 15th June 2008
 Net        Reemann MB 1 pyranometer (Astrodata, Tõravere, Tartumaa, Estonia)
 PAR        LI-190SZ quantum sensor (Li-Cor, Lincoln, NE, USA)
 RPAR        LI-190SZ quantum sensor (Li-Cor, Lincoln, NE, USA)
 Rglob        Reemann TP 3 pyranometer (Astrodata, Tõravere, Tartumaa, Estonia)
 diffGlob    Reemann TP 3 pyranometer (Astrodata, Tõravere, Tartumaa, Estonia) until 18 Mar 2010
diffPAR        Sunshine sensor BF3 (Delta-T Devices Ltd., Cambridge, UK) starting 7th Dec 2009
canIR        not measured
 PAR2        Sunshine sensor BF3 (Delta-T Devices Ltd., Cambridge, UK) starting 7th Dec 2009
 LWin/LWout    CNR1 net radiometer (Kipp & Zonen, Delft, the Netherlands) starting Nov 2009
 PRI        2x SKR 1800 (in and out, Skye Instruments Ltd, Powys, UK) starting Nov 2009    
 NDVI        2x SKR 1800 (in and out, Skye Instruments Ltd, Powys, UK) starting Nov 2009    
 maaPAR        4x LI-190SZ quantum sensor (Li-Cor, Lincoln, NE, USA)
 canPAR1        5x SQ-100 quantum sensor (Apogee Instruments, Logan, UT, USA) starting 19th Nov 2010
 canPAR2        5x SQ-100 quantum sensor (Apogee Instruments, Logan, UT, USA) starting 24th June 2010
 canPAR3        5x SQ-100 quantum sensor (Apogee Instruments, Logan, UT, USA) starting 24th June 2010
 Precipitation meter is ARG-100 tipping bucket counter (Vector Instruments, Rhyl, Clwyd, UK)
 SWS sensor is DRD 11-A raindetector (Vaisala, Vantaa, Finland)

The radiation and SWS data are given as 1-min averages. Precipitation data is given as accumulated rainfall during 1 minute.

PWS data

time        YYYYMMDDHHMMSS (beginning of averaging period, UTC+2)
 Visibility    visibility in units km
 Visibilitymin    minimum visibility in units km
 Visibilitymax    maximum visibility in units km
 Precipint    precipitation intensity in units mm/h
 Precipintmin    minimum precipitation intensity in units mm/h
 Precipintmax    maximum precipitation intensity in units mm/h
 Precipacc    Precipitation in unit mm
 Snowfallacc    snowfall in unit mm
 Wthcode        WMO synop code for most frequent weather type (see code table below)
 Wthcodemin    WMO synop code for "best" weather type (see code table below)
 Wthcodemax    WMO synop code for "worst" weather type (see code table below)

Precipitation is measured above the forest at 18 m height.

Precipitation meter is FD12P Weather sensor (Vaisala Oyj, Helsinki, Finland).
 FD12P measures all precipitation as liquid water, and converts the portion of snow to snowfall.
 Measurements are made at 1 min interval.
 Maximum visibility reading is 50 km.

The visibility and precipitation intensity data are given as medians over averaging period.
 The precipitation and snowfall are given as accumulated values during averaging period.

WMO SYNOP Codes (Table 4680, WaWa )

00    Clear
 04    Haze or smoke, or dust in suspension in the air, visibility equal to, or greater than 1 km
 05    Haze or smoke, or dust in suspension in the air, visibilty less than 1 km
 10    Mist
 Code figures 20 to 25 are used, if precipitation or fog was observed during the preceding hour but not at the time of observation
 20    Fog
 22    Drizzle (not freezing) or snow grains
 23    Rain ( not freezing)
 24    Snow
 25    Freezing rain or freezing drizzle
 The following code figures are used if precipitation or fog is observed at the time of observation
 30    FOG
 31    Fog or ice fog, in patches
 32    Fog or ice fog, has become thinner during the past hour
 33    Fog or ice fog, no appreciable change durring the past hour
 34    Fog or ice fog, has begun or become thicker during the past hour
 41    Precipitation, slight or moderate
 42    Precipitation, heavy
 50    DRIZZLE
 51    Drizzle, not freezing, slight
 52    Drizzle, not freezing, moderate
 53    Drizzle, not freezing, heavy
 54    Drizzle, freezing, light
 55    Drizzle, freezing, moderate
 56    Drizzle, freezing, heavy
 60    RAIN
 61    Rain, light
 62    Rain, moderate
 63    Rain, heavy
 64    Rain, freezing, light
 65    Rain, freezing, moderate
 66    Rain, freezing, heavy
 67    Rain (or drizzle) and snow, light
 68    Rain (or drizzle) ans snow, moderate or heavy
 70    SNOW
 71    Snow, light
 72    Snow, moderate
 73    Snow, heavy
 74    Ice pellets, light
 75    Ice pellets, moderate
 76    Ice pellets, heavy
 77    Snow grains (from WMO 4677)
 78    Ice crystals (from WMO 4677)
 81    Rain showers, light
 82    Rain showers, moderate
 83    Rain showers, heavy
 84    Rain showers, viloent ( > 32 mm/h)
 85    Snow showers, light
 86    Snow showers, moderate
 87    Snow showers, heavy
 89    Showers of hail, with or without rain or rain and snow mixed, not associated with thunder (from WMO 4677)

Eddy data (HYY_EDDY233)

1                                      Yr                                                        yy                                                       measurement year

2                                      Day                                                    day number                                      number of day from year’s beginning

3                                      h                                                          hh                                                       starting hour of ½ an hour period      

4                                      m                                                        m or mm                                           starting minute of ½ an hour period

5                                      Sonic_H                                            W·m^-2^                                                 sensible heat flux                             neg. sign downwards

6                                      LE                                                       W·m^-2^                                                 latent heat flux                                neg. sign downwards

7                                      E                                                         mmol·m^-2^ s^-1^                                     water vapour flux                            neg. sign downwards

8                                      F_c                                                     mmol·m^-2^ s^-1^                                       carbon dioxide flux                         neg. sign downwards

9                                      tau                                                      m2·s^-2^                                                  momentum flux                              neg. sign downwards

10                                   u^*                                                        m·s-1^                                                   friction velocity

11                                   MO_length                                        m                                                        Monin-Obukhov length

12                                   std_u                                                  m·s^-1^                                                   st. deviation of wind component u

13                                   std_v                                                  m·s^-1^                                                   st. deviation of wind component v                                     

14                                   std_w                                                 m·s^-1^                                                   st. deviation of wind component w

15                                   std_t                                                   °C                                                       st. deviation of air temperature

16                                   std_c                                                  mmol·mol                                           st. deviation of CO2 concentration

17                                   std_h                                                  mmol·mol^-1^                                       st. deviation of H2O concentration

18                                   av u                                                    m·s^-1^                                                   average wind component u

19                                   av v                                                    m·s^-1^                                                   average wind component v

20                                   av w                                                   m·s^-1^                                                   average wind component w

21                                   av t                                                     °C                                                       average air temperature

22                                   av_c                                                   mmol·mol                                           average CO2 concentration

23                                   av_h                                                   mmol·mol^-1^                                       average H2O concentration

24                                   av U                                                   m·s^-1^                                                   average horiz. wind (u & v combined)

25                                   wind_dir                                            °                                                          average wind direction

26                                   Eta                                                      °                                                          co-ordinate rotation angle            

27                                   Theta                                                 °                                                          co-ordinate rotation angle

28                                   Beta                                                   °                                                          co-ordinate rotation angle

29                                   c_lag                                                  1/20 s                                                 CO2 concentration lag time

30                                   h_lag                                                  1/20 s                                                 H2O concentration lag time

31                                   err_packet                                         number                                              number of erraneous data packets

32                                   covar_T_L-w                                   °C·m·s^-1^                                              no data

33                                   std_T_L                                             °C                                                       st. deviation of LiCor temperature

34                                   av_T_L                                             °C                                                       average LiCor temperature

35                                   T_L_lag                                             1/20 s                                                 no data

36                                   covar_P_L-w                                    kPa·m·s^-1^                                           no data

37                                   std_p_L                                             kPa                                                     st. deviation of LiCor sample pressure

38                                   av_p_L                                              kPa                                                     average LiCor sample pressure

39                                   p_L_lag                                             1/20 s                                                 no data

40                                   F_CPC                                        109 m^-2^·s^-1^                                          particle flux                                      neg.sign downwards

41                                   std_CPC                                            103 cm^-3^                                             st. deviation of particle concentration

42                                   av_CPC                                             103 cm^-3^                                             average particle concentration,    CPC connected 01.08.2000

43                                   CPC_lag                                            1/20 s                                                 CPC concentration lag time

Soil data (in HYY_META)

tsoil_humus Soil temperature in humus in C
 tsoil_A    Soil temperature 2-5 cm below mineral soil surface in C
 tsoil_B1  Soil temperature 9-14 cm below mineral soil surfaces in C
 tsoil_B2  Soil temperature 22-29 cm below mineral soil surface in C
 tsoil_C1  Soil temperature 42-58 cm belowmineral soil surface in C

wsoil_humus Water content in humus in m^3/m^3
 wsoil_A    Soil water content 2-6 cm below mineral soil surface in m^3/m^3
 wsoil_B1  Soil water content 14-25 cm below mineral soil surface in m^3/m^3
 wsoil_B2  Soil water content 26-31 cm below mineral soil surface in m^3/m^3
 wsoil_C1  Soil water content 36-49 cm below mineral soil surface in m^3/m^3

Some others

CO2_storage_flux umol•m-2 s-1
 H2OTd from dew point data ppth
 SD Snow depth cm