Soil atmosphere gas exchange of NO, NOx and O3

Last modified by kieloaho@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/07 06:32

The forest floor NO, NOx and O3 flux is measured by three automatic dynamic flow-through chambers (Korhonen et al., 2013). The chamber-system consists of three transparent chambers similar as the automatic CH4 and N2O chamber, and fluorinated ethylene-propylene (FEP) film as the transparent material. The operation of the chambers is automated: each chamber is closed for 15 min. Sample air is drawn from the chamber at a rate of 4.1 dm3 min-1 to a chemiluminescence analyser (TEI 42S, Thermo Environmental Instruments, Philadelphia, PA, USA). At the time of sampling, compensation air from the above canopy atmosphere is directed into the chamber at a rate of 4.5 dm3 min-1.