Diagnostics of gas measurements and autocalibration data

Last modified by oppeltol@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/07 06:32


Diagnostics data of gas measurements and gas analyser calibration data are recorded with Gadiag-program running on 'Gaslog' computer.

The sensors are connected to three Nokeval serial transmitters.

The channel list is given here. In the file the column is channel number +1.

Nokeval 0 "GA diagn. and calibr. data"

channel, signal, Nokeval multiplier, unit

ch1, CO2 Li840, 1000, mV

ch2, H2O Li840, 1000, mV

ch3, CO2 Li820, 1000, mV

ch4, p Li820, 1000 V. PTB100A 800...1060Pa = 0...5V, mV

ch5, p Li840, 1000 V. PTB100A 800...1060Pa = 0...5V, mV

ch6, t 820 external pt100, 1, degC

ch7, MFC cal gas, 1000, mV

ch8, dp autocal.gas excess flow Beck, 1000, mV

ch9, MFM Picarro 0...5000 mV=0...500 ml min-1, 1000, mV

ch10-16 not in use

Nokeval 1 "Calsong, photo calibrator, upstairs"

channel, signal, Nokeval multiplier, unit

ch17, MFC1 cal.gas, 1000, mV

ch18, MFC2 cal.gas, 1000, mV

ch19, dp autocal. gas excess flow Beck 0...10V = 0...100Pa, 1000, mV

ch20, HMP110 sample T 0...1V = -40...+80degC, 1000, mV

ch21, HMP110 sample Td 0...1V = -40...+80degC, 1000, mV

ch22-32 not in use

Nokeval 2 "ICOS+GA diag"

channel, signal, Nokeval multiplier, unit

ch33, 16m main flow 1...5V=0.5...25 lpm, 1000, 10mV

ch34, 67m main flow 1...5V=0.5...25 lpm, 1000, 10mV

ch35, 125m main flow 1...5V=0.5...25 lpm, 1000, 10mV

ch36, 16m buffer flow 1...5V=0...1 lpm, 1000, mV (NB! instrument is nonlinear, conversion from mV to ml min: y = 5.23e-5*x2 - 6.90e-2*x + 25.6)

ch37, 67m buffer flow 1...5V=0...1 lpm, 1000, mV (NB! instrument is nonlinear, conversion from mV to ml min: y = 5.23e-5*x2 - 6.90e-2*x + 25.6) 

ch38, 125m buffer flow 1...5V=0...1 lpm, 1000, mV (NB! instrument is nonlinear, conversion from mV to ml min: y = 5.23e-5*x2 - 6.90e-2*x + 25.6) 

ch39, Li840 sample flow 0...10lpm = 1...5V, 1000, mV

ch40, Li820 sample flow 0...10lpm = 1...5V, 1000, mV

ch41, permapure drier flow 0...10lpm = 1...5V, 1000, mV

ch42, permapure drier purge flow 0...10lpm = 1...5V, 1000, mV

ch43, Horiba CO excess flow 0,5...25lpm 1...5V, 1000, mV

ch44, Mast/Photo manual cal.gas excess flow

ch 45-48 not in use