Objects for the flux flights 2009

Last modified by levula@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/07 06:30

Possible objects and wishes for flight measurements, the items in the list refer to the maps: whole Hyytiälä area, eastern part and western part

- Aerial photos from blue 2km * 2km square centred at the SMEAR II, if that is not too laborious
 - Would be very nice to have some high resolution images direct over the SMEAR II
 - The red 1km * 1km squares demonstrate different types of interesting areas
 - The rastered area is state own and we have fresh tree data from that
 - The green line is one option how to fly, but that is totally out of my expertise
 - The red squares are:
 1. About 50-years old pine dominated stands north from the SMEAR II
 2. 100 - 200 year old spruce dominated stands in the nature reservation area
 3. Drained peatland, 40 years-old pine dominated stands
 4. Open, wet, peatland west from our peatland eddy site
 5. Dry unfertile pine dominated stands in the private own land

Then there is also a possibilty to fly over bigger old forest areas in the Seitseminen National Park 60km north from the Tampere airport. The core area found in this Google map is about 80 hectares and consist of > 200 year-old stands. This area is named as "Multiharju" in the map of the Park. The adjacent area north / north-north-east from Multiharju (Google map) consist of over mature about 15 year old stands. The Park is owned by state and there are about 15 year ago measured tree data from the areas. In the case that Seitseminen is choosen as one of flight the objects we can get more detailed map from the States Forest and Park Service

We have also asked information from the Finnish Forest Research Instute about the big drained peatland areas in Karvia (100km north from Tampere airport), but so far we haven't got any.