Boreal Forest OH Reactivity Measurements
The OH reactivity will be measured using a newly developed technique
called the Comparative Reactivity Method .In this method, pyrrole, not normally
present in air, is passed through a glass reactor and its concentration is monitored with a PTR-MS.
OH radicals are then introduced in the glass reactor at a constant rate to
react with X, first in the presence of zero air and then in the presence of
ambient air containing VOCs and other OH reactive species. Comparing the amount
of X exiting the reactor with and without the ambient air allows the air OH
reactivity to be determined.
Measurement of the ambient air VOCs and other OH reactive species will
performed using the following instrumentation:1) PTR-MS (from University
of Helsinki) 2) Chemiluminescence detector for NOx (from Universityof
More detailed project description
Dr Vinayak Sinha
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry
J J Becher Weg 27, POBox 3060, 55128 Mainz, Germany
Dr Taina RuuskanenDivision of the Atmospheric Sciences, UH
Dr. Sinha explaining the instrumentation to Finnish colleagues
The sample inlets for the campaign in the 8 m height in the mast of the SMEAR II
An owerview of Dr. Sinha's instrumentation
The OH Reactivity Glass Reactor