Värriö data flow

Last modified by ppaalto@helsinki_fi on 2025/02/04 06:54


Datafiles are saved in Värriö measurement computer under directory c:\smear

hippuko,atm,helsinki,fi has scripts in directory /home/ymp_fyl/scripts/varrio. vacopy script syncs Värriö computer directory c:\smear to hippuko computer /data/groups/atm-mitta/varrio. Script rcopy in the same directory copies files to aella.

crontab -l in hippuko:

02 * * * * /home/ymp_fyl/scripts/varrio/vacopy
10 00 * * * /home/ymp_fyl/scripts/varrio/rcopy

In hippuko directory /home/ymp_fyl/matlab/varrio is a script runmatlab, which runs Matlab and plots figures and sends the data to CSC database.

06 *  * * * /home/ymp_fyl/matlab/varrio/runmatlab

Matlab scripts

  • inpdb, Sends data to CSC database, subprograms lpm, gasall_n and wthall
  • vaplot, general met gas rad plotting, subprogram valpmplot
  • dmps_varrio, dmps plotting, , subprograms dmpsinv_varrio, 
  • dmpslog_varrio, dmps log plotting, subprograms dmpstp_varrio
  • varrio_photo, photo plotting
  • varrio_soil, soil plotting
  • cpc_varrio_log, CPC log

Some files are saved under ./files and figures in ./pics


Some problems: umlauts in plots. In m-file use feature('DefaultCharacterSet','ISO 8859-1') and text ['V' char(228) 'rri' char(246) ]

Printing is done to eps-files and they are converted to png and jpg: print -deps2c -painters ./pics/file.eps. After printing close all

General Matlab-related files should be placed to /home/ymp_fyl/matlab and in /home/ymp_fyl/matlab/varrio you have startup,m with path to that directory

Several network shares are mounted to /home/ymp_fyl/mnt