Table: Data storage and sharing
Personal storage
Storage environment | Backup* | Version control** | Capacity*** | For sensitive data | Cost | Notes |
UH home folder | yes | yes | 100 GB | see notes | - | Can accommodate some sensitive (low-risk, pseudonymized or encrypted) data. Pseudonymization or encryption keys should be stored separately and further encrypted. See also ****. |
UH group folder | yes | yes | max 10 TB | see notes | 0,019€/GB/mo | Can accommodate some sensitive (low-risk, pseudonymized or encrypted) data. Pseudonymization or encryption keys should be stored separately and further encrypted. See also ****. |
Umpio | yes | yes | max 10 TB | yes | 0,019€/GB/mo | Accessed through a VDI desktop, requiring an UH user account and Microsoft 365 license level A5E. See also ****. |
Onedrive |
| yes | 1 TB | no | - | Limited possibility to recover deleted files. |
UH clusters (Vakka / Kappa) | depends | depends | default quota 50TB, MAX non-invested 800TB, max invested: exascale. (proof of use case required for usage over 50TB) | no | 0-240€/TB | For scientific computing, with a personal home folder. No backup, but for additional fee data can be replicated between two geographically separate, independent entities. |
cPouta | depends | no | depends | no | - | Accounting & Quotas: |
ePouta | depends | no | depends | yes | - | Accounting & Quotas: |
Fairdata IDA | yes | no | depends | no | - | Backup only for frozen data. For research data, not UH service: |
Fairdata PAS "Data archive" | yes | yes | depends | no | - |
Group storage (for UH groups / UH accounts)
Storage environment | Backup* | Version control** | Capacity*** | For sensitive data | Cost | Notes |
UH group folder | yes | yes | max 10 TB | See notes | 0,019€/GB/mo | Can accommodate some sensitive (low-risk, pseudonymized or encrypted) data. Pseudonymization or encryption keys should be stored separately and further encrypted. See also ****. |
Umpio | yes | yes | max 10 TB | yes | 0,019€/GB/mo | Accessed through a VDI desktop, requiring an UH user account and Microsoft 365 license level A5E. See also ****. |
Microsoft Teams | no | yes | 25 TB | no | - | Limited possibility to recover deleted files. |
UH Datacloud | no | yes | 50 TB | no | depends | - Limited possibility to recover deleted files. Best suited for somewhat static data, as files can't be directly modified on-storage (instead, they must be downloaded to local machine for changes). |
Virtual server | yes (option) | depends | max 10 TB | yes | 0,11-0,38€/GB/yr | For applications. Remote use of Windows servers has license limitations. |
Physical server | yes (option) | depends | max ~200 TB | yes | 8000+ € | One-time purchase, administered by the user and the default lifetime is 5 years. Remote use of Windows servers has license limitations. |
Dept group folder | depends | yes | max 20 PB | yes | depends | One-time purchase, administered by IT Center during its lifetime. Accessible only through physical and virtual UH workstations, thus Microsoft 365 license level A5E is required. See also ****. |
UH clusters (Vakka / Kappa) | depends | depends | max 600 TB | no | 0-240 €/TB | For scientific computing, including a group folder. No backup, but for additional fee data can be replicated between two geographically separate, independent entities. |
cPouta | depends | no | depends | no | - | Accounting & Quotas: |
ePouta | depends | no | depends | yes | - | Accounting & Quotas: |
Fairdata IDA | yes | no | depends | no | - | Backup only for frozen data. For research data, not UH service: |
Fairdata PAS "Data archive" | yes | yes | depends | no | - | |
Wiki | yes | yes | see notes | no | - | For collaborating on basic documents and pages with text and images. |
Gitlab | yes | yes | see notes | no | - | - Version control environment, optimal for text-based data (e.g. in programming). |
Sharing data with non-UH collaborators and groups
Storage environment | Backup* | Version control** | Capacity*** | For sensitive data | Cost | Notes |
Onedrive | no | yes | 10 TB | no | - | Limited possibility to recover deleted files. |
Microsoft Teams | no | yes | 25 TB | no | - | Limited possibility to recover deleted files. |
Datacloud | no | yes | 50 TB | no | depends | - Limited possibility to recover deleted files. |
CSC SD Connect and Desktop | no | yes | depends | yes | - | SD Connect: Storage and sharing for sensitive data. SD Desktop: environment for processing sensitive data. Also for sharing data with CSC users from other organisations. |
Virtual server | yes (option) | depends | max 10 TB | yes | 0,11-0,38€/GB/yr | For applications. Remote use of Windows servers has license limitations. Setting up for sensitive data typically requires special arrangements (IP address restrictions, 2-factor authentication, etc.) |
Physical server | yes (option) | depends | max ~200 TB | yes | 8000+ € | One-time purchase, administered by the user and the default lifetime is 5 years. Remote use of Windows servers has license limitations. Setting up for sensitive data typically requires special arrangements (IP address restrictions, 2-factor authentication, etc.) |
Fairdata IDA | yes | no | depends | no | - | Backup only for frozen data. For FAIR research data, not UH service: |
CSC Allas | no | no
| As granted by CSC | see notes | - | CSC:s service description: "Personal data and special categories of personal data (i.e. sensitive personal data) may be stored in Allas after |
Wiki | yes | yes | see notes | no | - | For collaborating on basic documents and pages with text and images. |
Filesender | no | no | see notes | see notes | - | For one-time sharing, file is available for 21 days. Encryption possible. |
Gitlab | yes | yes | see notes | no | - | - Version control environment, optimal for text-based data (e.g. in programming). |
eDuuni | yes | yes | see notes | see notes | depends | For collaborating on basic documents and pages with text and images. Can accommodate some sensitive (low-risk, pseudonymized or encrypted) data. Pseudonymization or encryption keys should be stored separately and further encrypted. |
Backup* means that the data is backed up to another independent storage system, such as to another server room or tape storage. This protects data from the destruction of the entire storage system in a catastrophe. Usually the time window of automated backup is rolling and limited, meaning that you can restore data as it was 2 months ago, but not half a year ago.
Version control** means that the same storage system preserves previous versions of the files, in order to protect against accidental deletion. A deleted or damaged file can be recovered from its previous versions during a limited time depending on the system. The data is not protected in case of a collapse of the storage environment itself.
Capacity*** is usable net capacity that the user can allocate. On many cases, the capacity may vary and can something up to the maximum capacity.
**** More detailed security level description of HU's internal storage solutions is available at