Antti Penttilä
Last modified by Antti Penttilä on 2024/04/02 08:46
Homepage of Antti Penttilä
University Researcher, Title of Docent in Planetary Sciences (University of Helsinki), PhD in Physics (Astronomy), Lic. in Social Sciences (Statistics)
Room D310, Physicum
Department of Physics
P.O. Box 64
FI-00014 University of Helsinki
e-mail: Antti.I.Penttila( a t )
Professional info
My Research Portal at University of Helsinki, my Web of Science Research ID or my Google Scholar page.
and . For most recent versions of my publications, please see eitherComputer codes
I have gathered some computer codes that I have developed during the years. They might be useful to somebody else, too, so please see my code page for those.
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