Asteroids and Comets: Revealing the History of the Solar System
Workshop of MW-Gaia COST Action 18104, Working Group 3, Planetary Systems Near and Far
Scientific Organizing Committee: Prof. Karri Muinonen (chair), Dr. Anne Virkki, Dr. Paolo Tanga, Dr. Alberto Cellino, Dr. Olga Muñoz, Dr. Gorden Videen, and Dr. Antti Penttilä
Local Organizing Committee: Dr. Antti Penttilä (chair), Dr. Anne Virkki, Prof. Karri Muinonen, Department of Physics, University of Helsinki
Workshop dates: September 28–29, 2021
Workshop scope
Asteroids and comets are the key to the evolution of the Solar System. These small Solar System objects (SSOs) are being systematically observed, with unprecedented precision in photometry, spectroscopy, and astrometry, by the ESA Gaia Space Mission. The workshop will cover the synergies and challenges in the combination of the Gaia data and data from other sources, that is, from ground-based astronomical observations and space missions to small SSOs. The former include astrometry, occultations, spectroscopy, polarimetry, and photometry, whereas the latter include the high-resolution observations of asteroid Ryugu by the Hayabusa2 mission (JAXA), of asteroid Bennu by the OSIRIS-REx mission (NASA), and of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko by the Rosetta mission (ESA). How Gaia relates to future SSO space missions, such as DART (NASA) and Hera (ESA), Comet Interceptor (ESA), and Destiny+ (JAXA), will be addressed.
The workshop improves the understanding of the physics of small SSOs to draw inferences on their origin and formation. Topics cover, for example, exploitation of the extraordinary accuracy of, first, Gaia astrometry for orbit improvement, navigation to mission targets, and asteroid mass determination, and, second, Gaia photometry for the retrieval of asteroid phase curve parameters, shapes, and rotational characteristics. Tutorial sessions are organized using pre-recorded videos on data analysis techniques in astrometry and photometry, including applications of machine learning techniques to large samples of asteroid data.
Program with abstracts:
The program is composed of invited oral presentations with a duration of 20 min each (15 min for the talk, 5 min for questions, answers, and change of speaker). Additionally, there will be specific sessions for discussion.
Tue 28.9. (EEDT) | ||
8:55 | Karri Muinonen | Opening of the workshop |
9:00 | Paolo Tanga | The role of asteroid observations by Gaia: preparing the exploitation of the first full-size data release |
9:20 | Nicholas Moskovitz | Asteroid characterization at Lowell Observatory |
9:40 | Irina Belskaya | Asteroid magnitude phase curve parameters: accuracy and reliability |
10:00 | Dagmara Oszkiewicz | Asteroid phase curves using dense differential and sparse relative photometry |
10:20 | coffee break | |
10:50 | Alberto Cellino | Going toward a strengthened multi-disciplinary approach in asteroid science |
11:10 | Eri Tatsumi | Are Ryugu and Bennu from the same parent body or not? |
11:30 | Eric McLennan | Asteroid shapes and thermophysical modeling: (3200) Phaethon as a case study |
11:50 | Tomas Kohout | Comet Interceptor and Hera -- Revolutionary planetary mission concepts |
12:10 | lunch | |
13:30 | Antoine Pommerol | Asteroids and comets: The quest for suitable analogues |
13:50 | Gorden Videen | Polarized light scattering from regolith simulants |
14:10 | Maria Gritsevich | In search for the missing link: recovering samples from Small Solar System bodies |
14:30 | Mikael Granvik | In-situ monitoring of the surface degradation on a near-Sun asteroid |
14:50 | coffee break | |
15:20 | Marco Delbo | Observational constraints to the initial asteroid size distribution: the Gaia perspective. |
15:40 | Federica Spoto | A new weighting scheme to combine Gaia and ground-based observations |
16:00 | Grigori Fedorets | Searching for asteroid binaries in the wobble of Gaia astrometry |
16:20 | Lauri Siltala | Asteroid mass determination with Gaia |
16:40 | Discussion | Gaia data analysis techniques |
20:15 | Conference dinner | |
Wed 29.9. (EEDT) | ||
8:55 | Karri Muinonen | Opening of the day 2 |
9:00 | Annika Gustafsson | Revealing Regolith Properties of Asteroids Using Radiative Transfer Modeling |
9:20 | Joe Masiero | Chasing asteroids in the infrared: NEOWISE and NEO Surveyor |
9:40 | Xiaobin Wang | SSO data in time-domain photometric surveys |
10:00 | Karri Muinonen | Asteroid photometric and polarimetric phase curves interpreted using synoptic scattering models |
10:20 | coffee break | |
10:50 | Julia Martikainen | Modeling light scattering by Martian atmospheric dust |
11:10 | Matthew Berg | Digital Holography: Capabilities and Concepts for Cometary Grain and Regolith Characterization |
11:30 | Johannes Markkanen | Thermophysics of dust particles: Implications on cometary activity |
11:50 | Yuna Kwon | Polarimetric study of the dust environment of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko around the end of its Southern summer |
12:10 | lunch | |
13:30 | Evgenij Zubko | On the nature of dispersion of linear polarization observed in comets at large phase angles |
13:50 | Olga Munoz | Understanding the Negative Polarization Branch of comets and asteroids |
14:10 | Jürgen Blum | Comets as clues to planetesimal formation |
14:30 | coffee break | |
15:00 | Benoit Carry | The impact of Gaia on the study of asteroid interiors |
15:20 | Anne Virkki | Characterizing dielectric properties of near-Earth asteroids using radar observations |
15:40 | Deborah Domingue | Comparing photometric properties of Eros, Itokawa, and Ryugu |
16:00 | Antti Penttilä | Deep learning tools for asteroid taxonomy with Gaia and other surveys |
16:20 | Discussion | |
17:00 | Karri Muinonen | Closing of the Workshop |
Invited speakers (ViZ = virtually via Zoom, OZ = on site via Zoom)
The workshop attendance is by invitation only, with the restriction of maximum 25 participants on site. The invited speakers are
- Irina Belskaya (ViZ), Astronomical Institute of Kharkiv, V. N. Karazin National University, Ukraine
- Matthew Berg (OZ), University of Kansas, KA, USA
- Jürgen Blum (ViZ), Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany
- Benoit Carry (ViZ), Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur, France
- Alberto Cellino (OZ), INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino, Italy
- Marco Delbo (ViZ), Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur, France
- Deborah Domingue (ViZ), Planetary Science Institute, USA
- Grigori Fedorets (OZ), Astrophysics Research Centre, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
- Mikael Granvik (ViZ), University of Helsinki, Finland
- Maria Gritsevich (OZ), Finnish Geospatial Research Institute, Finland
- Tomas Kohout (OZ), University of Helsinki, Finland
- Annika Gustafsson (ViZ), Southwest Research Institute, CO, USA
- Yuna Kwon (ViZ), Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany
- Eric MacLennan (OZ), University of Helsinki, Finland
- Johannes Markkanen (OZ), Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Germany
- Julia Martikainen (OZ), Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, CSIC. Glorieta de la Astronomía, Spain
- Joe Masiero (ViZ), Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
- Nick Moskovitz (ViZ), Lowell Observatory, AZ, USA
- Jarmo Moilanen (ViZ), Finnish Geospatial Research Institute, Finland
- Karri Muinonen (OZ), University of Helsinki, Finland
- Olga Munoz (OZ), Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, CSIC. Glorieta de la Astronomía, Spain
- Dagmara Oszkiewicz (OZ), Institute Astronomical Observatory, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
- Antti Penttilä (OZ), University of Helsinki, Finland
- Antoine Pommerol (ViZ), WP-Physikalisches Institut, University of Bern, Switzerland
- Vasilij Shevchenko (ViZ), Astronomical Institute of Kharkiv, V. N. Karazin National University, Ukraine
- Lauri Siltala (OZ), University of Helsinki, Finland
- Federica Spoto (ViZ), Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur, France
- Paolo Tanga (OZ), Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur, France
- Eri Tatsumi (ViZ), Insituto Astrofísica de Canarias, Spain
- Gorden Videen (OZ), Space Science Institute, USA
- Anne Virkki (OZ), University of Helsinki, Finland
- Xiaobin Wang (ViZ), Yunnan Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- Evgenij Zubko (OZ), Humanitas College, Kyung Hee University, South Korea
Group photo at September 29, 2021
All other participants
Virtual attendance via Zoom, to follow the presentations, will be possible for MW-Gaia participants and other interested colleagues. Note that there is likely to be an upper limit for the number of participants. Please send email to to receive the connection details.
The workshop is organized in hybrid mode with participants attending virtually and on site. Both modes of attendance will involve scientific presentations via Zoom. Mankeliaitta of the Krapi Conference Center (Tuusula, Finland) serves as the workshop venue, with accommodation at the Onnela premises.
The workshop is supported by the Gaia COST Action MW-Gaia (CA18104) and the Academy of Finland projects InSight (345115) and PlanetS (325805).