PAP316 - Astrophysical light scattering problems 2021
Advanced Course, 5 credits, PAP316, Spring 2021, Period 4
Astrophysical light scattering problems provides a cross-scale journey in light scattering (electromagnetic scattering) with a particular emphasis in applications. The course starts with an introduction to the basic concepts and computational methods, whereafter experimental measurements are assessed. Various applications are introduced for planetary system objects, interstellar and circumstellar dust, and exoplanets. Students are actively involved in the interpretation of spectroscopic, photometric, and polarimetric observations as well as laboratory measurements. The interpretation takes place using both laptop and supercomputing environments.
Lecturers: Prof. Karri Muinonen, Dr. Antti Penttilä, Dr. Anne Virkki.
Timetable and contents:
- Tue 16. 3. Introduction to photometry and polarimetry,
- Wed 17. 3.
- Tue 23. 3. Introduction to spectrometry; Mercury, Venus, and Mars, ,
- Wed 24.3.
- Tue 30. 3. Project kick-off; Moon,
- Wed 31.3. Office pptx, or mp4 video) , additional material from reflection spectroscopy (
- Tue 13. 4. Asteroids, PolTrig fits to polarimetric datasets,
- Wed 13.4.
- Tue 20. 4. Comets,
- Wed 21. 4. Interplanetary dust, ,
- Tue 27. 4. Icy moons of the outer planets,
- Thu 29. 4. Transneptunian objects and Centaurs,
- Tue 4. 5. Interstellar polarization,
- Wed 5. 5. Exoplanets,
- SIRIS4-framework
- SIRIS4: Clone using git: git clone, or Download repository from Bitbucket page
- Compile using GNU maketools: "make singleparticle" or "make singletwolayer"
- Both Mie program and SIRIS4 available on the virtual server at /opt/alsp/ex3
, ,
- Workshop, 2021-04-01
- Relevant articles
- Relevant presentations
- Software
- Trigonometric polarization system, with systematic scanning of exponents
- Multiple scattering based on radiative transfer with coherent backscattering, with scattering phase matrix decomposition
- Revised examples of scattering phase matrix decompositions
- Data
- p = 0.067
- Asteroid Polarimetric Database (NASA/PDS):
- Granada-Amsterdam Light Scattering Database:
Home exam:
The answers must be returned by Monday midnight, May 17, 2021 via e-mail. Remember to include your name and student identification number in your answers.