3. Just before the event
Last modified by tauriain@helsinki_fi on 2024/01/16 08:06
- Set aside half an hour or an hour to prepare. Test the functionality of the technology of the space you have booked in advance, especially the mics.
- Microphones and speakers off all but the presentation machine.
- Cell phones for the silent.
- Materials pre-opened for the performer (s).
- Close Outlook, Teams, and similar programs on the presenter so that nothing extra is accidentally displayed in the screen layout.
- Make sure the right person is in the Host role and add Co-Host privileges to those who may need them.
A minute schedule or even an event script makes it easy to organize your event:
Time | What’s happening | Screen | Who |
10:50 (10 min) | Digital doors open. Chat is open | Looping video with instructions | N/A |
11:00 | Session starts: · xx welcomes & introduces the keynote speaker | Presenter cameras + Slides | xx |
11:01 (2 mins) | · yy welcomes all to conference · yy camera and mic off | Presenter cameras + Slides | yy |
11:03 (2 mins) | · xx covers session agenda and housekeeping (chat vs Q&A, etc.) · xx introduces xy · xy camera on and xx camera off | Presenter cameras + Slides | xx |
11:05 | Keynote opening address | Presenter cameras + slides | xy |