Seminar talks fall 2014

Last modified by utkarhum@helsinki_fi on 2025/02/04 07:11

Talks during the fall term 2014

Wed 3.9.2014 12-14, C124
Gianluca Paolini: Probability Teams, Bell's Inequalities and Quantum Dependence Logic

Wed 10.9.2014 12-14, C124
Kaisa Kangas: Field configuration in quasiminimal classes

Wed 17.9.2014 12-14, C124
Dorottya Sziráki: Algebraic Logic and Vaught's Conjecture

Wed 24.9.2014 12-14, C124
Grey Violet (Aalto): Two glances on logic and control: quantifier elimination for controller design and boolean dynamics on oriented graphs

Wed 1.10.2014 12-14, C124
Dorottya Sziráki: Algebraic Logic and Vaught's Conjecture (continued)
Åsa Hirvonen: On metric abstract elementary classes with perturbations

Wed 8.10.2014 12-14, C124
Misha Gavrilovich: Lifting properties in point-set topology as instances of "category-theoretic" negation

We observe that some natural mathematical definitions are lifting properties relative to simplest counterexamples, namely the definitions of surjectivity and injectivity of maps, as well as of being connected, separation axioms T0 and T1 in topology, having dense image, induced (pullback) topology, and every real-valued function being bounded (on a connected domain). We try to suggest a way to read off these lifting properties from the text of the usual definitions.

We also suggest that these observations may be used to construct a weak "combinatorial" calculus (formal derivation system) able to prove some implications between topological properties.

The talk is based on [De Morgan Gazette, 2014, ]

Wed 15.10.2014 12-14, C124
Åsa Hirvonen: On metric abstract elementary classes with perturbations

Wed 22.10.2014 12-14, C124
'Väliviikko' (fall break) – no seminar

Wed 29.10.2014 12-14, C124
Mirna Dzamonja: Singular cardinals : between the forcing and the combinatorics

Note: Boban Velickovic speaks in the Departmental Colloquium 29.10. at 16:15

Wed 5.11.2014 12-14, C124
no seminar

Wed 12.11.2014 12-14, C124
no seminar

Wed 19.11.2014 12-14, C124
Tapani Hyttinen: Continuation to 'model theory etc': the case of harmonic oscillator

Wed 26.11.2014 12-14, C124

Wed 3.12.2014 12-14, C124
Boban Velickovic:  Is there a version of Martin's Maximum at \aleph_2?

Wed 10.12.2014 12-14, C124
Tuomo Lempiäinen: The value of incoming message multiplicities in distributed computing


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