Last modified by asaekman@helsinki_fi on 2024/01/16 08:04
Logic links
Links for coping with corona lockdowns
- Miguel Moreno's list of online logic seminars
- the Modnet listing of online model theory seminars
- online math seminars on various topics
- Arctic Set Theory Workshop 4, Kilpisjärvi, January 2019
- Arctic Set Theory Workshop 3, Kilpisjärvi, January 2017
- Logic Colloquium 2015
- Summer School in Logic 2015 by the Scandinavian Logic Society
- Arctic Set Theory Workshop 2, Kilpisjärvi, February 2015
- Arctic Set Theory Workshop, Kilpisjärvi, February 2013
- Set Theory, Model Theory, Generalized Quantifiers and Foundations of Mathematics (September 2010)
- Logic Colloquium 2003
Workshops and minicourses at UH
- UH-CAS workshop 30.10.-2.11.2018
- Minicourse in computable analysis 22.-24.5.2018
- Model theory and set theory days 20.-26.5.2016
- Model Theory Days 21.-22.5.2015