Plant digi line issues 2020-06-04
Last modified by akuusija@helsinki_fi on 2025/02/04 06:59
John 2020-06-04
MuLtiPle-specimen Images
Current Barcoding
Use web based system
- Hosted on CSC
- Two barcoding computers
- Two printers
Automated give prefix ID
Record preliminary Geo and Taxon information
New steps
Mark the multi-specimen sheet
Record all existing IDs
Missing imageS
- =
There are ca. 15 000 pictures still missing.
a. About half of them are multispecimen images.
b. Need to investigate what the rest are and what to do with them.
Start with messy dataset
- With ca. 10 000 images
- All reprocessed -> ca. 2 000 multi-specimen images
Now reprocess all previous images
- Processed 100 000 images -> 1 000 multi-specimen images
- Still more than 400 000 to go