Wuorentaus, Yrjö näytenumerot
Last modified by jkahanpa@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/07 06:28
Vuodet ja värikoodit, Yrjö Wuorentaus
Ragnar Storå's label numbering system index. Links are to the first page of relevant page range. Note that colours to fade and shift with time: whites turn to yellow or brown, reds can turn to yellow etc. The colours here are primarily as described in their original state.
- 1909 vaaleanpunaisia (1-630) DIPTERA Raahe, Siikajoki, Säräisniemi, Kajaani, Oulu etc.
- 1908 yellow (1-861) DIPTERA around Oulu
- 1909 pale yellow HEMIPTERA? ( -77-) Oulu