Introduction to Quantitative Geology
Course overview
Introduction to Quantitative Geology is a course intended for undergraduate Geology students. The course has essentially three goals:
Learn how to use several common equations that apply to a variety of Earth science fields
Introduce the Python programming language and the essential (good) programming practices needed by young scientists
Discuss how to compare model results to data, and when (and why) results are or are not meaningful
The course is equally divided between lectures on Mondays and computer-based laboratory exercises on Wednesdays. Laboratory exercises focus on applying lecture material and developing basic programming skills using the Python language. Typical exercises will involve a short introduction, followed by a series of different tasks. At the end of the exercises, students are asked to submit answers to relevant questions, and possibly related plots and/or Python codes you have written/used. Students are encouraged to discuss and work together on the laboratory exercises, however the laboratory summary write-ups that they submit must be completed individually and must clearly reflect their own work.
Course materials
Spring 2014: Moodle - Syllabus
Laboratory exercises
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