Tesselation of a spherical surface.

Last modified by levikell@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/07 06:22

In order to compare measurement with theory, It is often necessary to obtain a spherical average for a quantity measured or computed in a number of directions. To obtain the weights for each point, one computes the Voronoi volume of each point with respect to the others. This is the measure of the set of elements in the region nearer it than any other point. This is obtained by Voronoi Tesselation (tiling, cf. German Tessler). Many library routines exist to compute the Voronoi tesseletion of Euclidean space, but it is harder to find routines for a spherical surface.

The MATLAB code below computes the Voronoi tesselation of a fixed |q| surface of an IBZ. It is easily adapted for different symmetry or sampling. It also plots pretty graphics, which, with minor tweaking, can be used for your publication(s).

get matab code (tar.gz)