Last modified by alldritt@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/07 06:22

About FEFF9

FEFF is an automated program for ab initio multiple scattering calculations of X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS), X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure (XANES) and various other spectra for clusters of atoms. The code yields scattering amplitudes and phases used in many modern XAFS analysis codes, as well as various other properties.

Website: http://www.feffproject.org/ 

Latest version: 9.4.6


All documentation for the project can be found on FEFF Documentation.

Compiling and Installing FEFF9

FEFF9 now contains a GUI-based installer which requires Java to be installed on your system.

  • Ubuntu
  • CSC
  • Korundi

Packaged binaries for Ubuntu are being investigated and are not yet available. Contact @alldritt@helsinki_fi for more information.

Source Code Access

Source code is not for public distributions. Please ask @sjhuotar@helsinki_fi for more information.