Formic Acid

Last modified by alldritt@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/07 06:22

Experiment at SPring-8 (Keijo, Mikko)

  • Molar concentrations measured: (FA)x (H2O)(1-x)
    • x=100%, 0%, 50%, 25%, 75%, 12.5%, 6.25%, 87.5%, 62.5% + one very dilute sample (x to be checked) + one 'wrongly mixed' sample (x to be checked)
  • Analysis of experimental data: not started. Keijo has the data.

Some key publications

Other material

Strategy for calculations

  • Concentrations x=0,50,100% to start with
  • Following roughly the Chelli et al. method
  • Force field determination
  • Gromacs simulation large box
  • Gromacs simulation small box
  • -> CPMD simulation
  • Compton profiles J_x(q) by CP2K single-point calculation for roughly 100 help snapshots 
  • Observable Delta J(q) = J_x - [xJ_0(q) + (1-x)J_100(q)]