X-ray Phase Contrast

Last modified by henrikma@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/07 06:21

A grating-based X-ray phase contrast imaging device was implemented in the University of Helsinki X-ray laboratory in 2019. This page provides information and instructions for the users of the device.


Starter pack:

Master's thesis about building and testing the Talbot-Lau interferometer at the University of Helsinki X-ray laboratory (IN FINNISH) and other relevant theses (IN ENGLISH):

Relevant articles:



Spec user manual:

Codes and programs:

Operation of piezo, micrometer screw and detector:

PC configurations and fixes:

Useful tools:

Old codes (OUTDATED):

Click here to expand...

Image extraction from phase stepping series. Assumes that the Varex 1207 detector is used. Main and reference images have to be in the same folder with no other files (folders are allowed). Certain parameters (e.g. filenames and phase step size) have to be set manually! Under constant improvement...

PhaseEx_Varex.m (24.2.2020; usage instructions)

Phase unwrapping methods implemented in Matlab:

unwrap_phase.m (see Herráez et al. (2002))

Unwrap_TIE_DCT_Iter.m(see Zhao et al. (2019))

Standalone program for plotting of stepping curves from a phase stepping image series:


Spec macros

owis.mac(31.7.2019; usage)

piezo.mac(4.10.2019; usage)

stepping.mac(4.12.2019; instructions coming...)

Imaging client (Linux)

varex_client.py(5.12.2019; usage)

input_GUI.py(31.7.2019; usage)

Imaging server (Windows)

Phase_step_server_beta.py(4.10.2019; usage)

Other programs for imaging on Windows (not in use currently)

Phase_step.py(Perform phase stepping directly on Windows; Requires piezo to be installed on Windows PC)

piezo.py(Move the piezo stage directly from Windows; Requires piezo to be installed on Windows PC)