MicroCT-lab local network and data disk

Last modified by hsuhonen@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/07 06:21

We have a virtual LAN (VLAN) that connects our computers in the MicroCT-laboratory and a datadisk that is located at the Viikki campus. In addition to MicroCT-lab computers we can connect other control computers to the network to enable the following things:

  • Computers can access the large data disk located in Viikki data center
  • Computers can communicate with each other directly
  • A teamviewer connection to the computer becomes possible
  • Computer can be temporarily connected to interned (e.g. for downlading updates) via a proxy server that is on the VLAN

This page documents the current status of the lab network, and lists the computer IPs. Instructions are also given how to connect to the lab network throught the VMWare horizon client.

Technical Information

How to Connect a Computer to the Lab Network

Currently the following network sockets have been configured to connect to the lab network


Socket Number




Connected to a local router in DK110



10 Gb/s link


1B18, 1B19

Both are now in use


1F12, 1F13



You can connect a computer to one of these sockets, or connect a local router, which allows you to connect multiple computers.

Configure your computer with the following details to connect to the lab network:




The IP range is from to Some of the addresses are already reserved, and these are listed in the section below. Do not try to use the same IP on multiple computers.

List of Computers on the lab network

Computer description

IP address


Nanotom control computer Windows (DK110)

Nanotom old reco PC Windows XP (DK110)

Pilatus control computer Linux (DK112)

Analysis computer WIN7 (DK110)

Analysis computer Z820 Linux (DK110)

public name: dx4-flxray-03.acclab.helsinki.fi

Bruker skyscan control computer (B213)

Not currently connected

Nanotom reconstruction PC Windows (DK110)

Phase contrast camera server PC Windows (B209)

Phase contrast control PC LInux (B209)

Datadisk in Viikki

Public name: microct-data1.xrayphys.helsinki.fi

How to Connect the common data disk

The datadisk located in Viikki is at IP It presents 4 samba shares named data-01 to data-04. This can be connected in Windows using the 'Map network drive' option


Then enter the path for the remote folder and the local drive letter


This will ask you for username and password. You can find out these from someone who has already used the disk server.

Using Teamviewer on the lab network

Teamviewer is a great way to remotely connect to computers. For security reasons it is best to configure Teamviewer to only accept direct LAN connections from the lab network. By setting up a persistent password, one can then connect to the machines from any other machine on the lab network.

Connecting to the lab network from the outside

Most of the lab network computers are not directly connected to the Internet (for security reasons), and none of them accepts connection attempts from outside of the university network. The following procedure can be used to connect to any computer on the lab network (assuming that Teamviewer is installed on that particular computer).

  1. Open connection to HY VMware Horizon service (e.g. through https://vdi.helsinki.fi/)
  2. Select a connection to a Cubbli Linux → you are now connected to a computer inside HY intranet
  3. Open a terminal and type ssh dx4-flxray-03.acclab.helsinki.fi -X → you are now connected to a computer that is also on the lab network (NOTE: if you have never physically logged on this computer in the downstairs lab DK110, this step might not work)
  4. Type in the terminal: a=`env | grep DISPLAY | cut -f2 -d:` ; export DISPLAY=":"$a
  5. Type in the terminal teamviewer

If you are successful, you should now be presented with the teamviewer window, and should be able to open a connection to one of the machines on the lab network that have been configured with Teamviewer.