Remote control

Last modified by pappjoni@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/07 06:21

It is possible to control the HelXAS desktop session remotely via VNC. To take the graphical remote connection, first connect to HelXAS with ssh:

ssh -L 5901:localhost:5900

The option -L binds the port 5901 on the local workstation to the HelXAS 5900 which is used by x11vnc. Once the SSH connection is established, run


in the xasadmin home directory. The VNC connection can now be opened from your local workstation with

vncviewer :1

The webcam stream from the instrument enclosure can be opened with the command 'cheese'.

Note that HelXAS is only accessible from the inside of the university network. If trying to connect from outside first connect to a UH server of choice, for example

ssh -CL 5901:localhost:5901 

and then follow the instructions above.