Performing mu x measurement in transmission

Last modified by aripekka@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/07 06:21

The attenuation coefficient µx is calculated from the following equation:

Unknown macro: mathdisplay. Click on this message for details.

In the equation, I is the measured count rate of the beam transmitted through the sample, I0 is the count rate of the direct beam, and ybg and y0,bg are their smoothed background count rates. The recorded counts are corrected for dead time by

Unknown macro: mathdisplay. Click on this message for details.

where is the number of recorded counts, T is the counting time and τ is the dead time. For the scintillator setup τ = 2.1 µs. The Python routines perform this automatically.

The signals and Iare obtained by scanning the “energy” pseudomotor which positions have units of keV. For example, to scan over the energy from 7.7 keV to 7.8 keV, with 301 points and 1 second per point, run command

ascan energy 7.7 7.8 300 1

The background count rates can be measured with

set_detx_offset 10ascan energy 7.7 7.8 100 1set_detx_offset -10ascan energy 7.7 7.8 100 1set_detx_offset 0

The set_detx_offset sets the constant offset to the detx position in units of mm. To obtain the estimate of the background at the focus, the plus and minus offset scans are averaged and smoothed with a low order polynomial fit.