Beamtime proposal ideas

Last modified by sjhuotar@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/07 06:20

Proposal templates

Energy materials / strongly correlated systems

  • TiOCl wide band gap Mott insulator, d1 system; dd excitations either using NRIXS or RIXS at Ti K edge.
  • XRS study of solid oxide fuel cell electrolytes Ce/Sm oxide (Christoph)
  • k-dependent study of NiO dd excitations using NRIXS to resolve possible excitation k-dispersion
  • Delafossites (transparent conductors) (San Miguel et al.)
  • XRS + imaging of carbide derived carbons
    • previous application, panel comment: A good proposal that was appreciated by the committee but not high enough graded to get beamtime in this round, which is shorter than usual due to the ESRF shutdown.
  • LAO/STO multilayers ("repeat" APS experiment with better resolution at ID20)
    • previous application at ESRF, panel comment: A well graded proposal but not ranked high enough to get beamtime in this round, which is shorter than usual due to the ESRF shutdown. Some work on making the proposal clearer might improve it.
    • previous application at APS accepted, experiment performed, but more data needed to clarify and confirm the results; also higher resolution desirable (possible at ID20)
  • BiS2 superconductors (XRS)
  • Dye-sensitized solar cell, a real cell to be measured ex situ with XRS (wild idea at the moment): Ask a real cell from Otaniemi. See which chemical neighbourhood could be probed.
  • CuGaS2, undoped and/or doped, or a similar system. Valence response and Ti (dopant) neighbourhood at least should be interesting.
  • Any other intermediate band semiconductor?
  • Sr2CuO3 (Canonical example - Schlappa measured orbiton dispersion with Cu L edge RIXS: can we do a comparison with Cu K edge RIXS or NRIXS?)
  • Ca2RuO4: Mott-insulator - metal transition at RT with a relatively weak applied E-field ~40 V/cm. arXiv:1308.6183
  • Solar cell related perovskites: fundamental properties of bulk system. (Mikko, Abdurrahman, Javad, Ali et al.) RESUBMITTAL?
  • Quantum dynamics of magnetic monopoles in spin ice Dy2Ti2O7 (DOI:10.1038/ncomms2551) (Matteo)
  • Transparent semiconductor In2O3, ITO: dipole forbidden transitions near the gap.
  • LiFePO4 battery materials from Aalto.
  • ScBH4 as hydrogen storage material. Study the decomposition. In situ.
  • CsC60 high pressure phase transition. Mott transition + superconductivity transition. 4-20 kbar, DAC needed.
  • FeSe superconductors: TC increases when plane distance is made higher by NH (or ND) intercalation

Condensed matter / fundamental

Molecular (gas/liquid) systems, quantum chemistry

  • Biopolymers (proteins). Change of the metal's oxidation state (DPR).
  • High resolution (even down to 20-50 meV?) XRS from a molecular system to resolve vibrational fine structure - should be liquid such as acetone (to improve signal intensity)
  • Pinic acid
  • CO2 + water high pressure
  • XRS study of the influence of TMAO and urea on the structure of water (Christoph) ALREADY MEASURED, IN PROGRESS
  • XRS or RIXS/RXES/HERFD of ionic liquids such as (bmim)Cl (e.g. at Cl edges)
    • maybe also an IL of topical industrial relevance, if it has Cl or other element in a unique position to give insight into liquid structure
  • valence (plasmon) S(q,w) of water/ice
  • IR-laser excited vibrational modes in molecular system probed with XRS
  • Nanoconfined water in nanotubes and/or Nafion
  • XRS + imaging of a burning flame
  • Dimetyle amine (water solution?)
  • new freon-replacing compounds (basic XRS, perhaps in situ UV irradiation?)
  • reversible photochemical reaction (e.g. sodium nitroprusside + thiourea)
  • photophysical processes in larger organic molecules (there can be internal structural changes, spin-flips etc. under illumination). To think about pump-probing.
  • alcohol-water mixtures (e.g. temperatures -150 C ... 0 C and ratios 0...1. In figures 2,3 + metastable condensed phases)
  • some hydrophobic/hydrophilic polymer of industrial relevance: insight by XRS to solubility
  • Water solution with ions that have charge more than 1: XRS spectra would shift in different way than in LiCl for example. (Iina)
  • Molecular solids such as picene, coronene and tetracene(solid phase gives increased density, and molecules in a single crystal are naturally oriented)
  • Peptide/dipeptide and the peptide bond (Johannes). Apparently Adam Hitchcock has measured them both in gas phase. How about solution? The peptide bond is not stable in the presence of water.