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The 2nd International Workshop on a European Masters in Official Statistics will be organized in 26 - 27 June 2014 in Helsinki, Finland. The workshop is intended to develop further the programme of study for a European Master in Official Statistics. The first Workshop was  organized in 2010 in Southampton, UK.

Participation to the Workshop is expected from Universities and National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) from European Union member countries, candidate countries and other European countries.


The European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS) is an infrastructure project and aims at developing a programme for training and education in official statistics. In broad terms, the EMOS would provide certified training in methodologies, statistical surveys, statistical production, analysis and statistical law and should be offered by a network of NSIs and Universities.

In order to reach this goal, Eurostat launched a feasibility study "Towards a European Master in Official Statistics". Further, a Group of Experts (GExp) from Universities and National Statistical Institutes and a Task Force were established to accompany the feasibility study and develop a concrete draft of curricula and labelling rules on basis of the feasibility study.

At the 2nd International Workshop on a European Masters in Official Statistics, the concepts of EMOS are to be presented to the international community. 

EMOS was discussed at the 21st Meeting of the European Statistical System Committee (ESSC) on 14 May 2014.
See here the opinions expressed by the ESSC.

See more EMOS details here.

Topics to be discussed in the workshop include:

  • Main results of the feasibility study "Towards a European Master in Official Statistics".
  • Staff training needs in official statistics at NSIs.
  • Experiences of cooperation between NSIs and Universities.
  • Master programmes offered by Universities.
  • Draft proposals on structure, curricula and labelling rules of EMOS.
  • Road Map to EMOS.


The workshop is based on invited papers.


Last update 9 May 2019 

Webmasters Risto Lehtonen, Maria Valaste