Z-drive and P-drive

Last modified by Niko-Ville Koljonen on 2024/12/10 13:02

You can set up the home disk (Z drive) and the group disk space (group directory, P drive) on your computer.

 In University computer you can do this from University Menu:

  • Z drive: Open University Menu > Click Z drive
  • P drive: Open University Menu > Click IT Department group directories

Pic of a menu with z-drive

Pic of a Menu with P-drive

You can connect the group directory to your own computer by following these steps:

  • Search for 'Files'

Picture of a search bar when I typed 'Files'

Choose 'Other Locations'

A pic of Nautilus showing the file system. At the bottom is the Connect to Server -box

On the 'Connect to Server', please write:

  • smb://groupX.ad.helsinki.fi/h999, where is the profit centre’s numerical code’s (hXxx) first digit, and h999 will be your profit center code.
  • An example: For IT Center H907 we would write = smb://group9.ad.helsinki.fi/h907
  • A list of profit centres can be found in Flamma.

On the next window, please type your account (e.g. rkeskiva), domain (ATKK) and your password (*******). Click 'Connect'.

A pic of a dialog to enter your credentials

Connecting to Z-drive from the command line (this might not work at the moment)


smbclient //home#.ad.helsinki.fi/t/username

Where # is the number according to this chart (based on the first letter of your username):

b c d ehome1
f g hhome2
i jhome3
k lhome4
n o phome6
q r shome7
t u vhome8
w x y zhome9

It's usage resembels ftp usage

  • Listing commands with ?
  • Some commands:
    • dir lists files on the remote
    • get gets a file on the remote
    • mget get multiple files on the remote
    • put send a file to the remote
    • mput send multiple files on the remote
    • cd change directory on the remote
    • lcd change local default directory