Cubbli Fuksi laptop 2017

Last modified by pnikland@helsinki_fi on 2024/02/14 09:29

The Faculty of Science fuksi (freshman) laptops come installed with University's Ubuntu 16.04 and Linux Mint 18 based Cubbli Linux. The first time when the laptop is started it opens a login window where you must enter your AD user account and password. The laptop tries to login to eduroam WiFi network with the supplied user account and if successful creates a permanent local user account for you. The user account creation only works where University's eduroam WiFi network is available.

The laptop is configured with University's own Linux software repositories and a selection of software which should be useful for a student at the Faculty of Science, including some software packaged here at Kumpula campus. Software updates are automatically installed daily at the background. 

The Linux system installation is encrypted, but with a well known password which is used to automatically unlock the encrypted file system. Later we will add instructions how to change the encryption password.


You don't have administrator rights to the machine by default. You can apply for sudo rights here:  (only for Cubbli 16, for newer, see

You are allowed to install some other OS instead of Cubbli Linux, including Windows (the machines have a Windows OEM license). However, campus administration cannot provide support for you if you replace the default Linux installation. If you install Windows and keep the Linux installation please remember that the Windows installer overrides the boot loader and Linux cannot be booted anymore. The Linux boot loader needs to be reinstalled using a rescue media.

Kumpula Campus IT administrators have installed ssh public keys to the laptops /root/.ssh/authorized_keys file and can login with administrator rights remotely to the laptop. You are free to remove those keys, but then the administrators cannot provide remote support. However, the administrators will not login to the laptop without a support request.

Common problems

  • Do you have issues, bugs, or wishes related to the use of your freshman laptop (running Linux)? Please see:  Fuxi-laptop
  • None known yet, but according to Murphy's law there will be some. 

Please contact if you have problems. The Cubbli Linux laptop installation was made by Pekko Metsä and Jani Jaakkola.