Mapping your www home page directory to a network drive (Cubbli)

Last modified by Niko-Ville Koljonen on 2024/12/10 13:03

You can map your home page to your own computer as follows:

Open Menu > Computer.

Open File > Connect to Server.

Fill in the fields:

  • Server:
  • Type: Windows share
  • Share: /web/k/ where k is the first letter of your username. E.g. for the username rkeskiva the share is /web/r/
  • Folder: your username, e.g. rkeskiva
  • Domain name: ATKK
  • Username: your username
  • Password: your password
    • If you wish, you can tick the box Add bookmark and type a bookmark into Bookmark name.

Click Connect.

Your home page directory will open. If you created a bookmark, it will show in the left hand toolbar.