(A) SURVEY: time schedule & own questions
Teacher is able to edit the feedback form via My teaching by choosing desired course. Course feedback form is editable while its closed (/cannot be answered by students). By default course feedback form opens on the end date of the course (defined in SISU) but the teacher can edit this time schedule to suit her/his needs.
1. Go to "My teaching", expand ongoing or upcoming courses and pick desired course (own questions can be added to course which is not collecting feedback already).
2. Click "EDIT SURVEY"
3. By default, feedback form opens on the end of the course and is open for two weeks. However teacher can also define her/his custom time frame how the feedback form is open for students. Teacher can either set start/end date or "OPEN FEEDBACK NOW".
4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "ADD QUESTION"
5. Five different types of questions can be added. Click the desired type, add your question and remember to click SAVE after you've finished with your question (only then you can add another). Please do add FI/SV/EN translations if necessary.
Course realisation types in SISU which are included in the course feedback system:
FI | SV | EN | SISU code |
Laboratoriotyöskentely | Laboratorioner | Laboratory work | course-unit-realisation-type:teaching-participation-lab |
Verkko-opetus | Nätundervisning | Online teaching | course-unit-realisation-type:teaching-participation-online |
Kenttäkurssi | Fältkurs | Field course | course-unit-realisation-type:teaching-participation-field-course |
Projekti | Projekt | Project | course-unit-realisation-type:teaching-participation-project |
Luento-opetus | Närundervisning | Lectures | course-unit-realisation-type:teaching-participation-lectures |
Pienryhmäopetus | Smågruppsundervisning | Small group teaching | course-unit-realisation-type:teaching-participation-small-group |
Seminaari | Seminariun | Seminar | course-unit-realisation-type:teaching-participation-seminar |